The Oval Portrait (1)

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In the middle of the road trip, a young couple didn't expect to be greeted with rain and thunder out of nowhere. "Love, i think we should park somewhere. The fuel is almost out."

The dom in their relationship said while his hands were fixed on the driving wheel and his eyes set on the road trying his best to manage the car, not wanting to create an accident.

"But, where can we find such a place?" The younger of them mumbled.

just then, his eyes landed on a building at the side of the forest. "hyung, i think i saw a mansion or something just now."

"Are you sure, jimin. what if your eyes hallucinated."

"are you doubting me, MIN YOONGI." The younger mumbled feeling annoyed.

"No love. that's not what i said. you know what.. you are right. if we stay in the car, it might be harmful for us. let's go backwards then. maybe the person living inside the mansion could give us permission to stay for the night."

Hearing him, the younger sighed and said, "i wanted our italy's trip to be fun, but we are stuck here in the middle of nowhere ditched by that f**king tourist guide."

"Calm down your temper, jimin. nothing will happen to us." Saying that, yoongi backwarded the car and went towards the masion's direction as per jimin's suggestion.

"jimin. What if the owners don't know any English?"

"oh. I didn't think that way. .......... First of all, hyung. stop thinking negative. Let's just go inside and ask the owner if we could sleep through the night. Although, the mansion looks abandoned. If there is no one, then we can just stay the night and leave. The next day, we have a flight back to Korea, remember."

"you are correct, love." Saying that, both of them got out of the car and wandered around the house's garden for a while which couldn't be called a garden as there were no flowers. The atmosphere was peaceful until..


both jimin and yoongi flinched at the sound of the wolf. They clinged to each other and jimin said, "let's get inside before we became the food of the wolfs. I have heard that the Italian wolves are dangerous."

"every kind of wolf is a danger, jimin." Saying that, both of them went towards the front door and knocked.

Nobody answered.

"excuse me, is anyone inside?" yoongi asked in English but got no reply in return. They both looked at each other before knocking again. still, nobody answered.

"Do you think the owners are in a deep sleep?"

"I feel like nobody lives here anymore, jimin. The door is rusty and there are leaves scattered around on the ground. If this mansion had any owners, they would have kept it clean. Let's go inside. The night is getting colder.

Saying that, suga grabbed jimin and pushed the door only to found it open. "even the door wasn't locked. I am telling you, nobody lives here."

"what if ghosts live here? hyung." jimin said while scanning the house inside. The house looked like it was made in the 1800s. A lot of vintage stuff lying here and there. A ray of sunlight peeking through the broken window giving a little light to the dark room. The whole house looked dirty as if it hadn't been cleaned since centuries.

"don't think nonsense in that little head of yours. There is no such thing as a ghost. Let's roam around for a while. I am feeling sleepy already. We have to find a bedroom."

"how can you think about sleeping in this situation?"

"well, weren't you the one that wanted to go into this house. Now, here we are."

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