First time being kidnapped

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"Yes, dad. I will be back soon."

A 20 yr old boy said, before hanging off the call. As he was passing by his the collage gate, He froze on his tracks seeing the bodyguards waiting for him.

"Not again."

He grumbled and hid behind the gate wall so the guards won't suspect his presence. Being the son of the richest bussinessman would be fun, they said. Only if they knew what kind of life was Jeon Jungkook, the only heir of one of the richest man of korea, jeon haeguk was living.

He was never allowed to go outside as his father feared that he might be kidnapped. In 20 yrs of his life, he hasn't been out. he is not a kid anymore. when will his father understand that?

Being homeschooled as long as you remember and having no friends was no fun either. He felt like a trapped bird in a cage which will spend its lifetime dreaming of freedom. But, he wanted to be different. He wanted to voice out his opinions, thoughts and misery. After a lot of convincing and pleading to his father, jk finally managed to join college in his 3rd year after being home schooled for so long. 

Anyways. Let's focus on the story.

Jk began to look here and there in hopes of escape. Just then, he saw a group of his classmates coming his way. A small tubelight lit in his brain. With a mischievous Smirk, he blended in the crowd. He started talking with a friend who was confused on what was happening. Just as the bunny knew that the coast was clear.He took goodbyes with his classmates and left.

  "Finally. I am free. Let's explore the town."

 Saying that, the hyper bunny ran away before his bodyguards realized that he was late and began to look for him.

 After a while, we all could imagine a excited bunny running around the street with a smile on his face and bottle of Banana milk in one hand. 

"Best day ever." 

He mumbled while jumping here and there gaining the attention of many people. But, did he care? Nah.

 He was in his own little world. He was happy. A bright smile on his face. But his happiness didn't last long before a black van pulled in front of him stopping him on his tracks.

 And just like any kdrama or a bollywood scene, a few men came outside the van eyeing the 20 yr old boy. 

"Wooh. They are tall." Jk thought to himself.

 But before he could react properly, they grabbed the boy and shoved him inside the van. Loud screams could be heard by the people who were witnessing the kidnapping scene. Jk tried to fight back but a  gasp escaped from his mouth and his whole body went numb when he looked at the horror infront of him.

 The love of his life which was just infront in his hand a few moments ago was now "On the Ground ~~" taking it's final breaths on the planet. 

Feeling pain in his chest, JK touched his chest and shouted," MY BANANA MILK"

 due to which the man stopped their actions for a second trying to process what the screaming boy was saying.

 "Let me go. You mean people. How dare you? How Could you brutally murder my love? Don't you have hearts." Jk said, a small tear leaving from his doe eyes. 

'Is he mourning over a bottle of banana milk? I wonder what did our boss see in him.' The kidnappers thought to themselves.

 With a lot of struggles, they managed to calm the boy down who was still struggling in hopes that his love was still alive. They tied his hands and legs with rope and taped his mouth because their ears were about to bleed hearing those dramatic screams. They hurrided inside the van and escaped the scene.

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