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When I woke up the suite was a mess from the aftermath of last nights party. Rumour had spread that Bloom was a changeling and she wasn't dealing with the gossip well, in addition Beatrix had posted a video of Terra's crush, Dane, slagging Terra off. And Stella's mum was coming to the school due to the Burned One that had infiltrated the school and Stella was practically writhing with fear and finally Musa was secretly dating her best friend's brother.

One party really can make a difference. I can't really judge anyone, I was crushing on mu roommates boyfriend and call me crazy but I think he likes me too. 

I went down to Aisha's office since she was Dowling's new assistant and us girls had agreed to eat in there to comfort Bloom. "Why does this school not have any normal meals? Am I the only person who simply wants a slice of toast or a bowl of cereal?" I asked while tucking into the pasta salad I was having for breakfast. 

"Please this school is the definition of abnormal, the fact that your complaining about the breakfast tells me you're yet to face the horrors of Alfea," Bloom responded as I sat on the arm of her chair. 

"You know, you guys don't have to eat with me just because people are talking about me. I really don't care about what people are saying," Bloom laughed but the forced tone and the way she scanned all our faces told me the opposite.

"I'm gonna go finish my poison paper before the assembly so I'll see you later," Bloom smiled at all of us before exiting the office.

"For the record she's not fine," Musa stated the obvious as I rolled my eyes and binned the grotesque pasta salad that I tried eating. 

"I'm gonna go finish my assignments as well. I'll see you girls later," I smiled at the three before leaving. 

Queen Luna was going to give the student give an assembly for a Burned One at one so it meant that we all had the day off lessons to catch up with homework.

I received a text off Sky telling me to meet him outside the assembly making me grow confused. I quickly changed into an all black outfit and tied my hair into a disarrayed ponytail before making me way to the lunch hall where the assembly was being held.

"Hey, I got your text. Are you okay?" I asked Sky who was leaning against a wall grumpily.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I was just gonna ask if you had time to talk, Stella's busy with her mam and Riven's busy with Beatrix and I know that we're kinda friends so could we talk?" he asked nervously as his eyes darted across the room.

"Right now? We have assembly," I responded making him laugh. 

"Please, I don't think Queen Luna cares if we ditch a tragic assembly about monsters. So, want to be a rebel and ditch assembly with me?" Sky asked with a smirk. 

"Fine, but we're going to your dorm, not mine. I'm sick of being stuck in the same walls," I demanded making him smile. 

The specialist halls were a lot darker than the fairy ones and the walls were covered in photos of past specialists, it felt more like a funeral home then accomodation. "So, this is your room?" I asked awkwardly as we entered the small room. I could figure out which was Riven's side and which was Sky's from the difference in the smell in weed to cologne. 

"This is my room," Sky replied with a straight face as he led me to sit on his bed. 

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked him gently  as I got comfy on the bed and Sky sat against the wall while playing with a knife that was laying casually on his bed. 

"Just wanted to have an actual discussion that wasn't about Burned Ones or crazy parents. You seem to be the only person I can talk to and not want to kill myself," Sky replied making me feel all warm and fuzzy. 

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