Chapter 3. Crossfire

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Chapter Three     ✶     Crossfire

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Chapter Three     ✶     Crossfire


Day 63 of being not so alone:

Hold onto your hat for this one, Mom. I made friends! I know it's difficult to process, given the fact that I usually punched any kid within six feet of me at school, but I guess the end of the world is really bringing out the best in people. What can I say? Hitting home runs on monster brains has matured me.

I was camping out in the RV when this huge army of biters came through, and this guy called Glenn barged right through the door. We might have started off on the wrong foot, but he's actually a pretty cool dude, maybe a little nervous at times. Nervous enough to almost decorate my skull with a bullet hole.

He introduced me to a whole bunch of people. There's Officer Cowboy (Rick), his right-hand-man (Shane), Cowboy Junior (Carl, who showed me his awesome collection of comic books) . . . Everybody seems to revolve around Rick. Glenn told me that he's their leader, probably because he used to be a sheriff, but it goes deeper than that: Rick is wise, and somehow he always knows exactly what to say and when to say it. He's not one of those assholes who becomes leader just because they want to, y'know?

A little girl named Sophia went missing yesterday. Her Mom is devastated. I'm trying to pretend I don't get how she feels.

We started looking for her in the morning with help from Daryl (who looks like what would happen if you crossed a porcupine with a heavy metal band, by the way) but we haven't had any luck yet. Mom, is it bad of me to assume that she's dead already? Is it worse that I want her to be dead, instead of lost and cold and frightened in the woods?

I think I'm starting to see the worst in things.

We're resting up in a church right now, which reminds me of when Granny used to take us. She used to always make me wear those stupid frilly outfits there's probably a totally embarrassing picture of me in the attic somewhere. Maybe you can find it. I tried praying to the Jesus statue earlier, but I didn't really know how to ask for what I need, and I don't think God listens to people who only pray when they want something. I don't think He would perform the kind of miracle I'd ask for, either.

Anyways, don't worry, because I have good news too! Glenn told me that he and his group would help me find Dad! Sure, it might take a little while longer than I expected, with everything they've got going on, but it's something. I know I'm close to finding him. I have to be. I wonder if he's looking for me too.

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