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All those years of love, do you think Off became immune to Gun's side eyes? No. Since the moment they left the orphanage Gun has been given him side eyes and silent treatment. It's been a week and the process of adoption for Chimon has almost completed due to the help of the sister. And still Gun wouldn't talk to him. And he had enough of this shit. He went to his room and brought the bank books both his and Gun's and showed it to him.

"Look here Gun understand me we barely have enough to buy medicines for Chimon,..... with my salary i don't think we would last till month's end we cannot afford for another child "

Deep inside Gun knew the truth he could understand the situation but thinking of how Mix thanked them after hearing that they don't want him breaks his heart.

"The orphanage will find a new home for him"

"How p'Off? The sister told the older children don't get adopted all the time?"

"There is foster care. There are those who sign up to take care of these children"

"Just like how you and p'Arm got a home?"


"What are the chances of how lucky he will be like you to get a good foster family? Or will he be unlucky like Arm?"

Deep down Off knew the chances are low, very low. Atleast with what he saw. He was really lucky though he didn't receive any parental love they atleast didn't torture him. But Arm was unlucky and ended up in psych ward being a depressed addict.

Thinking about Arm, Gun had tears down his cheeks. More than anything Off hated seeing Gun cry. But for Gun he thought about the little boy.. if he went to a family like Arm's. Even the mere thought gave him shivers and made him cry.

Off felt helpless of only he could earn more. If only he had some ancestral property, God he doesn't even have a family let alone an ancestoral property. He hated himself for being like this. For making Gun cry. He didnt fight the world and married the love of his life just to make him cry. Maybe he didn't have money but he is also quite smart.

"Gun we cannot adopt Mix"

Gun sniffed trying to control his tears, he understand the situation quite good.

"But we can become his foster family,....   but "

"But? " Gun looked at Off hopefully

"But only till they sort out a good foster family for him"

Gun hated it but atleast it's better than Mix not having anything.

The little smile on Mix's face when they said the situation to him is all enough for Gun. Mix was very mature for his age he could do all household chores and can even look after the baby. Gun's heart ached on think about how this little boy is all grown up at this tender age. Why life is unfair to everyone?

Little by little the days passed Off was always a little distant towards Mix. But Mix would always give a small smile which would leave a pang in Off's heart. When Gun asked about it, Off said "he will go away one day, soon maybe later, I don't want to be heart broken then."

Even now he is heart broken thinking about the fact that Mix will go away but his family situation didn't help him. Chimon is little bit better with new medicines but he need a lot more for atleast next two years and then some meds for life long... he sighed. He hated himself again and again for being incompetent.

But the fateful day came sooner than they had expected, Gun convinced himself that this is better for Mix and Mix cried clinging to Gun but as Off explained the situation, Mix wiped his eyes and said that he understood, again he bowed to them thanking. Off would have felt better if he has thrown a tantrum but now he felt like shit hole.  And Mix left them just like that.

A month has been passed but they couldn't move on. One day when Off came from work, Gun was sitting looking at the paper on the table.

"What is so interesting?"

"I did something, don't hate me!"

"I wont! tell me?" Off was worried ... what did he do now?

Gun hesitated

"Just tell me Gun"



"I found out where Mix is"

Off thought a little "and?"

"Thats it that is the address" he pointed to the paper in the middle of the table.

"No Gun what iam asking is what is that you plan to do?"

"I don't know "

"Ok I will throw this paper "

Off got up to take the paper but Gun beat to it and took it and kept it clutched near his heart. Off knew Gun loved that kid.

"Ok I will take you to see him"

Gun smiled widely

"But only from afar"

"Why? "

"He has a family now Gun we shouldn't disturb him"

Though he understood Gun wanted Mix. This is what best for them... boy how much wrong he was thinking that this was best for Mix. They left win and chimon next door who was the only nice family that talks to them like normal people. It was after dinner and imthe sun was set... initially it was drizzling but it started to rain heavily. Mix's new house was away from the city, they took bus but still the rain was heavy.

"We should return and come again Gun"

"Please Off we are here almost "

Gun asked the shop nearby the address and walked there.

Nothing could shock them than what they saw that day.... Off was never this angry in his life.

There in that heavy rain, little mix was kneeling on the road crying begging the family to let him inside. A man shouting at him and beat him with a belt.

Off fisted his hand and walked, no ran and punched the guy. Not once not twice he punched him until he bleeds he turned to the woman who was trying to stop him he shouted "did you try to stop when he beat the Little kid?" He raised his hand to beat her but stopped when he heard Gun's cry.

"Off, Mix is not opening his eyes"

Off looked at the unconscious boy in Gun's arm. He didn't know what came over him , how he did it but he carried little Mix in his arms running through the rain to the hospital at least a good 5miles away he ran throughout without stopping to catch his breath. Muttering "Iam sorry Mix please wake up "

He was never a god person, he never prayed to God even when his parents died, he never prayed to God to let him have Gun, this is the first time he knelt in front of a God, not just one but every god he saw and prayed. Because only he can help him now

"It is my fault, please God I will never let go of his hands ever again. Please give him back to me. I will work extra hard to give a smile on his face so please make him wake up, I will do anything in this world just to see him wake and smile at us"

He prayed, cried and never left the bedside untill the Little Mix opened his eyes

"Uncle off "

"No don't call me uncle.
"Call me papa "


This is not the end of Mix's story

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