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Dr. New was really confused. He genuinely doesn't know how to deal with Mix. Reducing the toxicity aside but what Mix is doing will actually increase the toxicity. If he goes and tells Earth about what Mix has asked Earth's masculine ego will go up one notch. Mix is feeding to Earth's ego. But why? He is so confused.

"What are you thinking Dr. Know it all?" His thoughts were interrupted by the incoming duo of his friends and fellow doctors at the hospital Dr. Namtam and Dr. Sing.

"I am not sure what I am doing" he admitted to his defeat.

"Don't joke " Namtam doesn't believe that New wouldn't know what he is doing. But the genuine confusion and frustration has got both the new doctors worried. Dr.New is one of the most intelligent or you could say genius doctor in their hospital and in their college during studies so if he is confused then it's really worrisome.

"What happened?"

"It's Earth and Mix "

"Wait wait.." Dr. Sings interrupted him "are you allowed to tell us? You know patient doctor confidentiality and all?"

New sighed, " you guys are their primary doctor so I am allowed to discuss with you"

"Ohhh, yes gossip time" Sings pulled a chair to sit next to New.

New rolled his eyes and told what happened.

"It's really confusing. I have never seen a relationship like them" Sing said sipping his coffee.

"Ya both of them have a caring family" Namtan also looked confused

Sings: both of them are walking red flags.

New: tell me something new.

Namtam: you do what Mix asked you to do. There would be something hidden in his story.

Sings: you should heed to his request. Why are you not planning on it? Is it something against the law?

New: no nothing of sorts. He has given his consent! But as a doctor I think he is not ready for this step. Every action has reactions and I don't think or rather I don't know how he will react after that. In an impulse he said he will tell his story to everyone but I think he didn't calculate the part of how everyone will react to it.

Sing: you could just simply let Mix meet Earth if you are worried about this.

New: that's another headache.... What if Earth's heart gave away again? Or Mix attempts a sucide again?

Sings nodded he was the cardiologist who treated him when he came to ER. Earth was in immense pain they had to load him with anesthetics before taking him up for the investigations. As for Namtam she was the ER physician who had to literally fight Shinigami to bring back Mix.

Sings: give it a day or two. We will fix them up physically well and then we can plan this.

Namtan: yes, New this is a hospital we can help them faster here than helping them anywhere else so don't worry about the consequences we will be always ready.

New smiled at them . Ya this is a hospital so he can take whatever calculated risk he can . And his friends were also correct, he should give it a day or so and also talk to others and gather more information.

He chatted with them for a while and walked back to the wards where the love birds were kept. He smiled they are literally lovebirds who can't live alone when one of them dies, if Earth could understand that. He say Mr. Gun walking that way and called him out.

"Mr. Gun"

Gun turned to him with a smile.

"Dr. New, have some cake"

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