Mrs and Mr D'auraville 16

Start from the beginning

"Can I have a hug? For good luck of course." I gave Cain a half smile before I turned and stood in front of him wrapping my arms around his torso. I laid my head on his chest and sighed. He laid a kiss to my head as he held me back. "Good luck." I whispered before pulling away. I gave Michael a high five for good luck as well as we walked into the cafeteria. There weren't many level fours so not many parents.

"Gen!" My name was called and before I knew it arms crossed around me. I leaned forward and hugged Genesis back. "Hi Gen." I laughed, nearly on the verge of tears. She pulled away and went straight over to Michael. He picked her up and held her close. Luna and Michael went to their parents as I spotted my mother. Her smile disappeared when she saw me. Michael and I walked over to them as my parents sat with his mother and siblings. My mother stood up as I quickly looked over at her. She was wearing a huge white fur coat over a long wine red dress with kitten heels that matched her coat.

"Genevieve, Ton visage." She said as she reached over to touch my face. "Was it a fight?" Genesis asked as Michael put her down and greeted his mother. "No it wasn't. I'm fine. Hello Mrs. Moore. Hi Hudson." I waved as I pulled my mother in for a hug. "Please call me Maya, Genevieve." Michael's mother said as she waved back. She tells me that all the time but I never really listen. "Hi Hannah." I waved to Michael's sister but she was too busy sitting on the edge of the table fixing her lip gloss. Michael pulled the lipstick and mini mirror from her hand and put it into her pocket as he sat down. "Hey! I was using that." She called out. "You deserved it. Hi Gen." Hudson fist bumped Michael before getting up to hug him.

Hudson looked up to Michael, followed all his footsteps like a little brother would. Hannah was a bit more to herself. She loved being on her own and she had a big attitude when she wasn't. Kind of like Genesis.

My mother hugged back as my father stood up and pulled me into a hug. "If it was a fight you must tell me. I'll bring it to the principal's attention. Has none of your teachers seen you?" He asked as I pulled away from his hug. "Yes they have but none has said a word meaning no one cares, father." He shook his head as he fixed his suit. I sat down as they sat on the other side of the table. "I have a gift for you." I whispered to Genesis and she smiled. Hannah walked around the table and hugged me from behind. "Hi Genevieve." She said sadly. I smiled and put my hand on hers. "Don't worry I'll get you your lip gloss back." That got her smile back immediately before she sat between Michael and Genesis.

"So tell me about grades, how are you guys doing?" Michael's mother asked as she fixed her hair up into a bun. "Straight A's." We answered in sync which gave them a sense of relief. "Michael what's going on with basketball, doing good?" My father asked. "I was just about to ask. Any offers?" Hudson asked excitedly as Maya put her arm around him. "Offers are later on in the year but it's going good Mr. D. Coach loves me." My dad nodded in approval.

"Genevieve. How's ballet?" I smiled as big as I could. "Great couldn't be any better. My coach doesn't love any of us though." Our parents started talking amongst themselves as I looked over to see Cain sitting on his phone in front of his father who had a laptop on, typing away. Not a word went between them. I turned behind me to see Luna quietly arguing with her parents.

"Have you been going to church? Praying?" I looked back to my parents and made their day by saying yes. "God will forgive you for your sins Genevieve." My father smiled. "Well you guys are doing good in class and have been keeping up with your sports which is exactly what we wanted. I had a negotiation with you both. Good grades, you guys can go out and have fun. So have you guys gone out and done anything fun?" I looked at Michael and he looked at me.

"Nope we haven't done a thing." I said. "Yeah, we're focusing on our studies." He lied. Our parents shrugged and looked at one another as we seemed like saints. "Gen, can we go see your room?" Genesis asked, laying her head on my shoulder. "Yeah I want to go see bubblegum." Hudson said as he stood up.

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