Who We Are 2

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Waking up early was never an issue for me

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Waking up early was never an issue for me. When I saw the rule of having to be up at 6 am that wasn't an issue. I'm usually up at 4 anyways for ballet practice back home. It's currently four thirty and I just got out of the shower. I got dressed for a run I was about to have with Micheal in ten minutes. Opening the door of the bathroom I noticed the light in the dorm was on. I was excited to finally meet my roommate. I looked over to her bed and noticed it was still empty. I shrugged and when I turned around my breath got caught in my throat. A girl was sitting in the conor writing in a book. I didn't know she was here and my heart started racing when I noticed. "Did I scare you?" She asked through a chuckle.

"Sorry, I was expecting you to still be asleep." I told her as I sat on my bed and slipped into my socks. "I'm Gen." I smiled. "Luna." She turned back to her notes and not another word was said. I put on my shoes and left her with a wave.

I found Michael outside the front doors waiting for me, talking to some guy. "Mickey, who's this?" I asked. "Gen, this is Jameson, James this is my cousin." I'm not surprised he already made a friend, Micheal was very outgoing and friendly. "Well, will you be joining us for our run?" He looked over to Michael and smiled. "Anywhere you go I'll be there." He winked at me. I took a deep breath and started off with a fast walk as they followed. "Did you not hear me? That's my cousin, calm down."  I hear him say behind me.

Soon enough the three of us were running. James squeezed between me and Micheal and started talking. "So what landed a sweet girl like you in here?" I slowed down a bit and quickly moved next to Michael. "Did you get into basketball like you wanted?" He smiled widely. "Yes I did, third period. You got into Ballet?" I nodded. "Third period."

As we continued to circle the campus I noticed how beautiful the architecture was. I could tell it was old, maybe not always a school but this building has been there for decades. It's amazing how upheld it was. I heard there was a chapel somewhere inside and I couldn't wait to find it.
After another twenty minutes we stopped running right where we had started. It was almost time for breakfast, so I parted my way from Michael and his friend with a hug. "Take care of Bubblegum." I called out to Michael. It didn't take long for me to get back into my dorm which Luna was still in. "God, did you just get in from a run?" She was now in her bed reading a book.  "Yup gets the blood pumping." I smiled. "You're not one of them are you?" I looked around confused as I stepped out of my shoes. "You know, the chicks who are body obsessed and are always working out. With a disgusting attitude." I shook my head.

"Ahh no I'm not. I don't really care about working out, ballet is enough." She ran her hair through her shiney long brown hair as she lowered her head back to her book. "Do you sit upfront in Mr. Lores' class? Second period?"  I smiled as I looked for my uniform for today.

"Yes I do, next to my cousin." She looked back up, shocked as I walked towards the bathroom. "Long hair blondie, super tall?" I nodded. She paused before closing her book. "If you come to breakfast I'll be at the table all the way in the back with a few friends, you guys should join."

Luna seemed like the type of girl with a quick temper. If she invited me to breakfast to hit on Michael she has another thing coming. Besides the fact I accepted.

After my shower I got dressed in uniform. Luna left before me so I had the room to myself. I read a few scriptures out of my bible and tucked my rosary into my shirt. I wore all brown today besides my pink tights and pink sneakers.

I met midway to the cafeteria with Michael and as soon as we walked into the Cafeteria the noise was like any crowded area. I looked around in the back for Luna but didn't spot her. Me and Michael were about to take seat's elsewhere until a familiar face came running towards me. She hugged me tight and I hugged her tighter. She pulled away and held me by my arms. "Genevieve fucking D'aureville is that you?" My face was hot with excitement.

"You didn't tell me your parents had sent you here?" I asked as our hands intertwined with each other. "You kind of disappeared off the map, Aveenana." Michael added. Seconds later. Luna and one other guy showed up behind Aveenana. "I see you already know my friend." Luna said, pointing to us. "Oh my gosh I have to introduce you guys, come on." Aveenana let go of one of my hands and grabbed Michaels, dragging us to an empty table.

The three of them sat across from Michael and I. "Luna, you know Gen, this is her cousin Michael." The two of them waved at one another awkwardly. "Gen, Michael, this is Cain, one of my best friends since I was in this place." Cain had pure black hair with brown eyes that complemented his button nose. "How do you guys know each other?" He asked in a low voice.

"We grew up with Ana, she was my best friend since birth and as was our parents." I explained. "But I got dumped here after being caught in bed with a guy. We kind of lost touch since. You haven't told me yet, what landed you two freshies in here?" I looked at Michael and a laugh escaped us. "You guys look a bit too innocent to be here." Cain looked like the spinning image of what most likely made this school come to be.

"We got caught drunk with tattoos. And Gen here decided it was a smart idea to go home the next night high as a kite." And we would've gotten away with it if it weren't for me being so paranoid.

"Well I'm glad you guys lived a little. Here honestly isn't that bad if you sneak around the right way." Aveenana explained with a big smile on her face. "What's your guys' schedule so we can figure out when to dump here?" Luna asked, looking directly at Michael. After exchanging our schedules we noticed we had two classes all together. Not including lunch.

All of them had really interesting classes they were taking. Aveenana was still taking soccer like always. Looking at Cain's schedule, his sport was the most interesting. He was the first person I knew to take fencing. I always thought that it was interesting but never took the time out of my day to pay  attention to it.

Luna was taking archery as a sport. My dad used to teach me when I was younger but I bet I won't be able to make a clean shot anymore. We all had swim and AP Environmental Science together. I knew Aveenana as a child but I don't know who she is today. So meeting the three of them was very nice, and I can't wait to learn more about them. However right off the bat I could tell Aveenana wasn't as in touch with God as she used to be. It breaks my heart because she was the only person that took church seriously with me.

Michael would attend here and there but his parents were never really religious with him like my parents were.

The bell rang for our first class of the day causing us to split up. Except for Cain and I, we both have Mrs. Raspberry for the first period. We ended up getting separated in the halls anyways. For the second day I decided to sit in the back to get a look at the kids and rest of the class. Not long after I sat down Cain walked in and sat beside me.

He had earbuds on and was looking straight ahead. I took my sketch book out and sat up straight, with my legs crossed waiting for the next bell. When the bell did ring he took off his earbud and took out his sketch pad as well.

I couldn't help it anymore and decided to ask. "What got you in here?" He turned to me with a slight smirk. "Isn't it obvious?" I scanned him quickly and noticed very small tattoos on his hands. The messed up arrow is what caught my attention in the mist of the rest. "Rich dad too busy to take care of his rebellious son." He turned back around with a shrug.

" He turned back around with a shrug

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