Enter: Aure Mercutio

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Aure: (squinting intently at script for The Designs of Change) "what do you mean i get slashed in my eye by Sicora? are we gonna have to actually act that out? ...will it hurt?"

Pulsar: (snorts) "pfft- no. we're going to implement the scene with special effects. you won't get hurt. unless of course, you want to be."

Aure: (pins ears back) "WHY would I WANT to be?!?!?!!"

Pulsar: (rolls eyes) "to make the scene more authentic, of course."

Aure: (hisses) "well- no thanks!"

Pulsar: (mutters) "why did I write you as such a kill joy?"

Aure: (growls) "you modled me after yourself,  so technically your also a kill joy. After all, what non-kill joy takes forever to update her cat dragon fanfiction?"


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