Chapter 7, "A Scuffle."

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Brown Cameraman's POV,

We eventually reach our first road block. A border.. This must be the Alliance's Work.

I quickly hide with Headphones, Radio, Skibidi Friend, and Kitty all inside the bathroom.

We hear John drive up and get stopped. Then we hear the RV Door get busted down. And rhats when we jump out. I quickly stop Time and punched all the Cameramen, Speakermen, And TVMen there knocking them back. As Skibidi friend ripped off their heads. Headphones grabbed two Speakermen and started using them like nunchucks. I see Kitty literally fly around like Glitch Toilet crashing into the alliance members repeatedly. I get into the Glitch Toilet and did the same. We quickly overwhelmed and over powered them. We got back into the RV Van and drive fast breaking past the barricades and barbed wire.

John was driving like a true get away driver. But I glare at something in front of us.

I jump out the RV Van shocking everyone there. As I catch onto the Glitch Toilet. I get inside and pilot it to move even faster than the RV, Eventually I see it.. A mutant hybrid Skibidi Toilet. I quickly ram into him repeatedly again and again. Stopping time and doing it with no air resistance or friction.

I do it so many times that when Time resumes. The Mutant is practically on the floor mutilated. I feel a bit drained but I had enough energy to fly back to the RV Van. I see them slow down and park and I pilot the Glitch Toilet to land next to them. I get brought inside and I see the Glitch Toilet be brought inside along side me.. I feel like we should have done that instead of strapping it to the side of the RV Van. I sit down and look out the window.

Headphones sat next to me dusting my coat off. I mean we didn't sustain damage it was just a bit dirty. Radio seemed happy to see me intact.

Skibidi Friend was looking out the window like usual. Kitty.. Was Kitty. And John continued driving.

I get some rest by eating food and drinking water. I guess that's how I'll regain energy.. Just like a human.

Makes me wonder what type of water this is..

John gave it to me.

It tastes real good too..

I read the label.

Almond Water..

Is it?

Is it just almond dust mixed into water with other things?

I look at the label and the ingredients section was basically unintelligible.

Oh well.

I'll drink to that bro.


Well then.. Back to the road.


Author's Note,

sry for a late update yall. Just got hooked on some random game.

I'll try and post doe.

Either way this Fic won't have too many fights just yet. The first 3 arcs are just for character introductions and stuff.

And some world building too.

Each Arc will probably be 5-10 Chapters long. Depending on the context.

Either way!

Stay Tuned! stay Frosty~!


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