Chapter 3, "Some Level of Understanding."

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Brown Cameraman's POV,

Back to another one of my scavenger hunts. I flew across the city the wind hitting against my flying form.

I've gotten used to this these past few weeks. Not much happens in this city. It's wreaked and Alliance Territory at this point. That "zip" noise had been appearing closer to our bunker every week. Luckily we made some pretty good defenses. Using some old Camera heads as detectors we made Speaker Turrets that blast music to stun an target and alert us of his or her presence. Which worked wonders really. We haven't had a break in at all!

We take solace in each other's company and embrace. And that's all we really need to find peace. It really helps especially with the fact that Radio is choosing not to portal away every 10 seconds.

Radio was busy drawing some stuff. Like a Giant Clock Tower, A really detailed drawing of CinemaMan?

I'd ponder both drawings but choose not to question it for now. Right now I was testing out some blueprints I made. After some research I find that it's impossible for me to switch my head for another without causing immediate death.

So swapping my head for a TV Man's is not possible. Neither is for a modified head. But adding small modifications to my head seems to be viable.

I added one of those small energy beam guns onto the bottom of my camera head.

I test it out on some dummies and find that it's scarily effective..

I also installed switch blades on my arms so that I can stab things..

Time Stop is gonna be a game changer once I get my hands on a Core Blueprint. Since all I need is a power source to make it less of a last ditch effort and more into my arsenal..

I'll probably try and find a way to get more speed too..

But for now my arsenal is of as followed.

-Time Stop (Last Resort)
-Switch Blades
-Speaker Armor (I've plagiarized on CinemaMan's Look)
-And my trusty Rebar Staff.

So most of my arsenal is complete.

For now at least.

I finish making another blueprint for a test later on when I get more information.

I put the blueprint in the storage locker and locked it.

I went out my planning room to see Radio drawing a lot on the walls.

I get a few ideas but I'll keep it to myself for later. I see more clocks, more Radios, Skibidi Toilets with odd armory and weaponry.

Radio has been drawing and working well.. I see some ideas I could grab from this.

Like an EMP Blast..

But that would harm ourselves too..

I'll do my research with that later...

Maybe I can find a way to shield ourselves from EMP Blasts.. I'll do my research.

When I can.

I pat Radio's Head before walking to the training room where Headphones was busy jumping and flying around testing her Jetpack's Capabilities.

She found she could use a sudden burst of her Jetpack to propel her high up into the air without going flying fully.

Which allowed for some tricky maneuvers. I watch her fly and jump around.

Then she seemed to notice me.

I just signal her to carry on but I see her manuver in a way that-

Wait that's getting oddly close-


She then crashed into me and nuzzled her head into my chest. I notice her speaker glow red slightly but quickly fade as if hiding themselves.

I just..

Don't question it.

Not for now at least.


Author's Note,

I'll try and get the ideas of others into this fic.

Either way!

Stay tuned, Stay Frosty!

And have a wonderful day software gang!

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