Gerudo Desert Part 2

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"What.. what happened..." Y/n quietly mumbled to herself, as she peered over the flying machine to look around the town. It was completely deserted. The shops were completely destroyed. 

"Are those.... the gibdo..They are here too?" Y/n said. She got up to walk towards Link. She leaned against him as she held on to him by his shoulders. Link turned the flying machine towards to ground, just before the entrance of the the town. 

"Gibdo?" Link asked, "Hold on. It's going to be rough." 

Link landed the flying machine, walking off the machine as Y/n quickly grabbed her bag and ran towards him. She held his hand in his, pulling herself close to him.

"Those.. undead-looking things are horrid. They always haunted my dreams as a little girl. Careful Link. They can't be hurt by physical attacks. Use any elemental attacks. They should be able to be hurt that way." 

"Alright." Link said, before pulling a small short sword out of his small magical pouch. Y/n just stared at him as he pulled the sword from the side pouch. Before she asked how he was able to carry it, Link took her hand and replaced his with the blade. 

"For protecting yourself from them. I think there is some fire fruit we picked up on the way here. Use those if things get too tough." Link said as he pulled away from her. Y/n looked at the sword before she felt a pair of hands rest on her shoulders. 

"Be careful. Call for me if you can't handle it."

"I got this. I am gerudo after all. Fighting is in my blood.. kinda." 

"Either way, be careful. Let's go." 

Link slowly walked towards the center of the town carefully, Y/n right behind him, having the sword in her hand and a firefruit in the other. The Gibdos that were standing still now turned their bodies to look at Link, who was holding a halberd he picked up from some ruins they passed. 

Link tensed up, putting the halberd in a position where he could quickly retaliate. 

"Y/n. Get ready."

"Right. I got your back." 

The gibdo suddenly attacked, even with its slow movements, it moved fast enough to swing its arms towards Link, who side-stepped away and quickly shoved his halberd in defense. However, the halberd just bounced away from the skin of the Gibdo. The Gibdo screeched in response as it attacked  Link again, who dodged right after, further away from Y/n who stood there, kinda trembling in place. 

"Y/n! Behind you!"

Y/n turned behind her, a gibdo mid-swing of its attack and Y/n quickly jumped away. Y/n threw her firefruit at the gibdo, which cried in pain and changed to a pale white color. Y/n then pulled out a fire fruit and tossed it to Link who was pushing away the gibdo.


Link turned to see the fruit being tossed at him. He gave the gibdo a harsh push and turned to stab the halberd's point to the fruit and turned to face the gibdo. He rammed it into the gibdo's torso and it screeched in pain and turned white, soon after disappearing into a purple smoke.

Link turned to see Y/n pulling her sword out of the gibdo, which also dispersed into purple smoke. 

Link ran to y/n, pulling her to face him.

"Are you ok?"

"Link.." y/n mumbled before she sheathed her blade. She then looked up at him with wide eyes and sparkles somehow appeared out of thin air, "That was thrilling! I have to fight more often. No, you have to teach me too!" 

Link sighed before he chuckled, "And you called me crazy... Glad to see we're alike." 

Y/n smiled before a voice called out to them. Buliara ran up to them before her face turned to white.

"You.. you can't be..."

"Huh?" Y/n asked, turning to look at Buliara. Buliara bowed before them, even Link confused.

"L-Lady Y/n! I-I can't believe it's you! Have the goddesses revived you to aid us?"

Y/n and Link exchanged glances before Buliara rose up from bowing. 

"Come, let us look for Lady Riju. She would be delighted to see Lady Y/n and you Link."

(sorry, kinda forgot to update this. Small update till the next part. Happy Halloween!  Thanks for reading. We gonna speed run the goron and zora ones. And mainly focus on endgame stuff. I'm currently writing a Ashe x Reader oneshot and Sylvain x reader. look forward to those if you like fire emblem. Tootles. )

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