Chapter Three:Nightmares

Start from the beginning

I slowly make my way towards my private bathroom and draw a nice warm bath, needing to wash the blood off of my body from last night. It was not your fault. I find myself repeating over and over again.

Even though I know I am lying to myself.
I look in the mirror and hiss when I gaze upon the scary sight of what is looking back at me.

Not only is my neck completely bruised on the front from the fucking asshole who attacked me last night. But now, layers of scratches cover it completely from the desperation for air in the midst of my panic attack.

"I look fucking abused." I murmur with a raspy voice under my breath, while carefully dragging my hand across the sore and sliced skin.

I slowly glance over at the small clock sitting on my dresser and my heart slightly speeds up when I notice my partners are holding breakfast right now.

I can't avoid the fucking inevitable.

I slip on a soft long sleeved white shirt, a tight black skirt, black tights, and a pair of black square heels. I finish off with a pretty black scarf so that nobody sees my destroyed neck.

After loosely curling my long dark hair, and applying mascara to my soft brown eyes, I finally pull my shit together and step out of my dark bedroom.

My heels click against the stone floor as I make my way down to the daunting dining room. I look up at the empty cold walls that cage in my cell. No pictures. No art. Nothing.

The fucking mafia world that I have grown up in, is what ruined me. It is what took away my freedom, childhood, happiness, and made me the person I am today. And I fucking hate her.

My parents only see me as some sort of object, they have my entire life. It doesn't matter what I want in this world because to them I am not Arabella, I am the mafia heir and nothing more.

I reach the tall doors that lead to the dining room and I immediately smell the wafting scent of bacon and syrup. I open the doors quietly, hoping not to make too large of a scene.

The moment I am able to quickly push my way inside, I am greeted by the sight of my mother and father silently sitting at the table, eating their fruit with a knife and fork.

Their faces look numb as they stare down at their plates, like they have never felt any emotion in their entire life.

Is this what I will become?

"Nice of you to join us this morning." My mother says  sarcastically while glancing up at me so coldly I feel a breeze slice against my heart.

"Maybe if I had better company I would make an appearance more often." I say in an arrogant tone while sitting down at the depressing table.

"Well maybe if you weren't always trying to fucking run away, we would try to be better company for your ungrateful ass." My father says venomously from the other side of the table. My eyes slightly widen at his statement and my body tenses. Eros told them.

"Thats right, Mr.Vandare tol-"my mother begins before she is cut off by the large dinning hall doors being opened loudly.

Right on cue, Eros carelessly walks into the room with no signs of emotion written in his face.

I glance down to his outfit and see he is wearing a white formal shirt that is unbuttoned down to his rib cage and black formal dress pants.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." I mummer quietly under my breath as I cut into my deliciously soft looking pancakes.

I continue grabbing some delicious, sweet looking cherries from the table and place a whole bundle onto my pancake filled plate. I fucking love cherries.

He strolls in without any care in the fucking world, and smoothly sits down in the chair next to me. He lounges back in it and widely spreads his legs, draping his arm over the back of my seat.

I get a whiff of his strong signature scent and immediately want to lean towards him to smell him better. I love the smell of him as much as I fucking hate him.

"Wow handsome and good manners, how lucky am I." I say with a sarcastic tone while looking towards him.

"How about you eat your fucking food Bella?" He says, shooting me a glare. His strong Italian accent echos throughout the dinning hall, filling it with something other then the sound of utensils on plates.

I narrow my eyes while looking at him with absolute hatred. I fucking hate when he calls me Bella. I have only even been close enough to one person, for them to give me a nickname.

The nickname they gave me was pretty and elegant. But when he calls me Bella, its not that I don't like the name, but it's rather he makes it sound like he is talking to a fucking dog.

"Asshole." I mumble under my breath while rolling my eyes.

I glance back down to my syrupy pancakes and slowly begin cutting them up.

"You really don't need all that girl." My mother sneers judgmentally while looking up and down at me with a sour face.

"You really don't need to be up my fucking ass all the time." I shoot back bitterly before taking a drink of my orange juice and staring at her with a bored expression.

My father throws himself up to his feet and smacks the table causing everything on top of the table to rattle. He leans forward with his hands still braced on the table, looking me dead in the eyes.

"Get the fuck out of here. Nobody fucking wants you here." He spits out venomously.

I match his actions by standing up so suddenly, my chair falls backwards and hits the cold stone floor.

"Good my food with taste much fucking better when I don't have to look at you across the table." I say with venom drenched in every words.

I coldly turn around and walk angrily out of the dining hall, ignoring the judgement rolling off of Eros and everyone else in the room.

"And we will later be talking about your fucking behavior last night!" My dad screams at me as I slam the dinning hall door shut.

Fuck him and my stupid mother.

I angrily walk down the hallway towards my bedroom, immediately throwing it open and sitting down at my vanity. I tear off the scarf that felt like it was suffocating me while taking shaky breaths.

I prop my elbows onto the vanity and rest my head into my shaky hands. I softly close my eyes and take deep breaths, trying to calm myself and the burning anger.

Once I feel my ragged breath become steady. I take my head out if my hands and look up into the vanity mirror. I gasp in surprise when I seeing a figure standing in the reflection of the mirror near my wide open door.

"Who the fuck did that to your neck?"
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!:)))) PLEASE VOTE!!

Word count:1696

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