Chapter 4 - The Powers I Now Hold

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       The night slowly faded, and the sun rose as I walked through a valley. I had spotted a village a few minutes back after I had passed the well where I had been attacked the day before by the strange demon man. I continued walking for some time, climbing a small hill until a field was down in the valley below me. Within that field stood seven people and a nekotama. One of the humans I recognized wasn't a human, but the demon man who attacked me yesterday. I growled as a boy with a giant sword, silver-white hair that fell to the middle of his back, dog ears that matched his hair, and a red robe yelled at the demon man.

       "I'm going to kill you, Naraku!" The boy yelled. I grinned, my fangs showing as I did so.

       "Naraku!" I yelled to Naraku, my voice making everyone turn in my direction with confused expressions. I jumped into the air and landed a few feet beside the boy with the red robe. They all looked at me intently, trying to figure out who I was.

       "Who the hell are you?" Naraku asked, studying my face. His eyes widened after a moment, a surprised look on his face.

       "Wait...You're the human girl I attacked yesterday. How are you still alive?!" He angrily exclaimed; his eyes full of rage. Everyone's eyes widened in surprise except for one demon, whose expression and demeanor remained calm and unemotional.

       "My father saved me, that's why. That isn't the point, though, as now I can kill you!" I exclaimed, positioning my body slightly in a defensive position as I glared at Naraku, my eyes hiding a glint of anticipation. Naraku scoffed, an evil smile on his face.

       "You think a half-breed like you can kill someone like me?! Not a chance!" He chuckled, and one of his tentacles that protruded from his back shot toward me. I grinned and quickly jumped out of the way, flipping backward and landing silently on my feet. The boy in the red robe backed up and stood beside the unemotional demon. When they stood side by side, I noticed they looked quite similar to one another.

       "Impressive! You're quite agile," Naraku said amusedly, narrowing his eyes at me. I grinned.

       "Thanks, now let me show you something I can do if I can figure out how to use any of my powers," I mumbled the last bit, jumping into the air quickly. Seemingly as if I've done the form many times, I put my arms out in front of me. My wrists crossed over one another, my left wrist behind my right one. I then curled all but my pointer, middle, and thumb fingers into my palms. The position I made with my arms and hands was my Starspoint Position, or so I assumed, as the name had appeared in my head. I shifted my arms slightly to make an X with my arms still outstretched my wrists connecting the X lines. I kept my fingers in the same position as a word came to my head, and I felt the urgency to say it aloud.

       "Sutasutoraika!" I cried confidently and happily. From where the x met came bright white glowing stars a bit taller than my height and thin in width. The stars shot quickly at Naraku, catching him off guard. My eyes widened in surprise as I put my arms to my side and landed silently, the stars slicing Naraku's flesh from how sharp they were. He was chopped up nearly to bits, his head and a bit of his collarbone being the only things left. Once the stars hit Naraku, they disappeared into thin air. Naraku growled, irritated, as he formed a red-tinted barrier around the remaining part of his body.

       "You'll pay for that, demoness!" Naraku roared as he floated away over the tree line in the confines of his barrier.

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