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Art Credits: @artsquirrelb on Twitter.


"How did you NOT ask who?!"

Wriothesley's exasperated voice thundered through Y/n's ears as she leaned back in her chair, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Three guards have reported the rebellion. Three." He emphasized, holding up three fingers in front of Y/n as if she was stupid. "Without knowing their target, how can we strategize? If we pull all three from their night patrol, it'll be too conspicuous. The rebels will realize we've been tipped off by more than just one and they'll go find them. We need to approach this intelligently, Y/n."

Wriothesley's voice softened, his frustration giving way to the strategic mind that had kept the fortress standing all these years. He paced the room, hands clasped behind his back, deep in thought.

"I'm sorry, your majesty. I guess your humble servant forgot to bring her crystal ball today," Y/n grumbled.

Wriothesley glared at her, clearly not amused. "This isn't a joke, Y/n. We needed that information."

Y/n rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. "Well, excuse me for not being able to extract every single detail. I was a little busy trying not to blow my cover," she shot back.

Wriothesley sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know, Y/n. I just... we could have used that information."

Y/n softened slightly at his words. She knew he was under a lot of pressure. But still... "And I could use a little appreciation for the risks I'm taking," she muttered under her breath.

"What was that?" Wriothesley asked sharply.

"Nothing," Y/n said quickly, forcing a smile onto her face. "Don't worry, Wriothesley. I'll get you your information. After all, who needs Shikanoin Heizou when you have me?"

"Shikanoin who?"

"Never mind." 

Y/n stood up, and walked over to Wriothesley, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Her smile was forced, her eyes hard. "We'll get through this, Wriothesley. You have my word."

Inside, however, she was cringing.

'Oh great, now I'm playing therapist to Mr. Grumpy Pants,' she thought to herself with a mental snort. 'Maybe next I'll start knitting him sweaters. After all, who needs Shikanoin Heizou when you have Dr. Y/n, detective extraordinaire and part-time counselor?' 

But she kept her thoughts to herself, maintaining her composed exterior. After all, they had a mission to complete.

Wriothesley was taken aback by Y/n's gesture, a flicker of surprise crossing his face. As her hand landed on his shoulder, he felt an unexpected sense of comfort. A strange warmth spread through him, his muscles relaxing under her touch.

Inside, he found himself appreciating her gesture. 'Well, isn't this a plot twist,' he thought to himself, 'Y/n is playing the comforter. Is the world coming to an end?'

But he didn't let any of this show on his face. Instead, he looked down at her hand on his arm and raised an eyebrow. "Getting a bit touchy-feely now, are we?" he teased, a smirk playing on his lips. "I thought you've sworn to loathe me for all eternity?"

Y/n quickly pulled her hand back as if she'd been burned, a look of mock horror on her face. "Oh, I'm sorry," she retorted sarcastically. "I must have mistaken you for someone who needed a comforting pat. My bad." 

She made a show of wiping her hand on her pants, as if trying to get rid of his cooties. "Don't worry, it won't happen again. It was disgusting enough the first time." She flashed him a cheeky grin before changing the subject. "Weren't you scolding me just now? Don't you want to get back to that?"

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