"Remember your manners, Alessia." She hisses the demand quietly before giving me a tight lipped smile and leaving us.

I take the empty chair beside Alessia, finally releasing the sigh I'd been holding back.

"Are you okay?" I can't help but ask.

Her head snaps to the side, amber eyes burning with unveiled hatred as she stares me down. "Am I okay?" She repeats the question in disbelief. "I'm being forced to marry a stranger, a lying stranger at that." She releases a humorless laugh. "No, I'm absolutely not okay."

I press my lips together, gaze skating across the crowded room before coming back to her face. "You are aware I had no choice in the matter either, correct?"

I didn't, the contract was created and signed without my consent that didn't change the fact that I became obsessed with her. Even as a teen I knew there was no way around the arrangement so I didn't bother rebelling, I accepted it.

Her brow furrows. "You're the made man, of course you have a choice."

"I am and my father is the Don in our family, not me." I shake my head, rubbing at my jaw in irritation. "You think just because I'm a man means I don't get bossed around too? I'm practically a trained dog. My father says, 'fetch' and I run and retrieve the bone or I get a bullet between the eyes."

She glances down just as I catch the look of sympathy in her eyes. "Fine, maybe you're stuck in this too. That doesn't change the fact that you lied to me."

I let out an exasperated huff. "It's our engagement party, I didn't expect you not to know who I am. I was shocked and couldn't decide how to approach the conversation once I realized you didn't know. My father stepped in before I could."

I didn't expect for them to continue to keep my identity from her even after the news of our engagement was out.

Her shoulders sag and I can visibly see how much she's struggling with this. "I didn't want to know, honestly. Not after I found out. Our engagement party was planned before I even knew I would be having one. I'm sure you've known for a while, haven't you?"

Her eyes meet mine again and I feel as if I've swallowed my own tongue. Should I tell her how long this has been arranged? Her family kept it from her for a reason but it feels like a knife to the gut seeing that look in her eyes pointed at me.

"Dante." Giovanni says, saving me from trying to formulate a response as he, his fiancee Nolani, and their son Rome approach our table.

I rise to my feet and give his offered hand a shake. "Giovanni." My gaze moves to Nolani and Rome, the latter propped on Nolani's hip. "Good to see you."

"Look how dapper you are in your little suit, Romey." Alessia coo's, standing and taking her nephew from Nolani's arms.

"Essia!" He exclaims with a grin, wrapping his little arms around her neck ang giving her a squeeze.

She brushes a kiss across his forehead and beams at him, her smile unlike any I've ever seen her wear before. I want to always see that smile on her face. I don't want her glares, her anger, her hurt. I want her to be happy.

"I've missed you guys so much." Alessia admits, her eyes going from Rome to Nolani. "It's boring not having you just a few houses down."

"Dante has three sisters, I'm sure you'll be entertained soon enough." Giovanni informs her.

She scoffs, "Oh yeah, I can't wait to be around more strangers. How far away do the Di Salvo's live? How far away will I be forced from my family, Giovanni?" Alessia questions sarcastically, eyes blazing with unshielded anger.

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