Chapter 8

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Aubrey and Blake arrived in New York and entered his massive penthouse. Aubrey was taken aback by the opulence of the building and the luxurious penthouse.

"You bought this yourself?" Aubrey asked in awe, her eyes scanning the lavish surroundings.

"Yeah, Aubrey, I did. I worked 2 jobs to make this happen, and I even designed it myself," Blake replied with a chuckle, noticing her surprised expression.

"I'm so proud of you, Blake," Aubrey said with sincerity, her desire to hug him and congratulate him bubbling up. She knew, though, that they had to be cautious about their boundaries. Their intense attraction to each other couldn't be ignored.

Blake looked at her and asked, "What are you thinking?

"Nothing...just show me my room, Blake," Aubrey said, trying to hide her disappointment.

Blake hesitated, nervous about her reaction. "Well, that might be a bit of a problem, Aubrey."

Aubrey's concern deepened. "Why? What's wrong?"

Blake finally admitted, "We only have one bedroom in this entire penthouse."

Aubrey stared at him in shock. "What? You designed this entire place with just one room?"

Blake scratched his head awkwardly. "I, uh, didn't really think anyone would be staying here with me."

Aubrey, surprised by Blake's revelation, looked at him with a mixture of shock and disbelief.

Aubrey couldn't help but chuckle at his response. "You really underestimated yourself, Blake," she said with a sly smile. "We'll figure it out. It's not a problem."
Inside the bedroom, Aubrey settled down on the bed already tired from travel, making herself comfortable. Blake couldn't help but notice how effortlessly she seemed to fit into his home, as if she belonged there.

"Okay, so let's decide on the sleeping arrangements," Aubrey began. "I'll sleep on the bed, and you can take the floor."

Blake was surprised by her suggestion but impressed by how she was handling things. It felt like the old Aubrey was resurfacing. He couldn't help but smirk. "Well, I do think there's enough space on the bed for both of us."

Aubrey, feeling more at ease with her old friend, playfully warned him, "I'll kick you off the bed, Blake. Don't even think about taking up space besides me."

Blake laughed, "You're probably right. But, what about when you get cold?" Aubrey rolled over on top of him, straddling his body. She smiled mischievously, "Then we'll just have to warm each other up."

"I missed you." He told her with longing.

"Mmmm hmmm..." Aubrey responded, grinding against him.Blake had no choice but to give in. He closed his eyes and let himself enjoy the sensation of Aubrey's body against his.

Aubrey's voice pulled Blake out of his daydreaming world. She called out to him repeatedly, "Blake! Blake! Blakeeee!!!"

He blinked and shook his head as if trying to shake off the streamy thoughts that had taken hold of him. Aubrey was not impressed; she grabbed a nearby pillow and tossed it at his face.

"Where are you lost?" Aubrey scolded, a playful yet exasperated tone in her voice. "Get out of your lala land, mister, and sleep! We have work tomorrow."
The next morning, Blake was the first to wake up. He groaned as he got up from the uncomfortable floor where he had spent the night. He stretched his sore muscles and decided that he definitely needed to work out some sleeping arrangements for himself.

As he moved around, he couldn't help but notice Aubrey still fast asleep. She lay on her back, her mouth slightly open, and a small trail of drool escaping onto the pillow. Blake couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. She looked so peaceful, beautiful, and utterly carefree all at the same time.

Quickly, he reached for his phone and captured a picture of her, wanting to keep this precious moment forever.

"Wake up, sleepyhead. Let's get ready," Blake told Aubrey, gently shaking her.

Aubrey, still half-asleep, managed to muster a happy grin. "Just give me 10 minutes, and I'll be down."

"Sure, take your time," Blake replied, ruffling her hair affectionately. "I'll go take a quick shower."

Aubrey, however, protested, "No, you don't have to go anywhere, Blake. I've already taken your bed, and I don't want to feel more guilty. You stay here and relax. I'll make something for you. Okay?"

"Okay, we'll leave in 20 minutes." He responded.
As they stepped into the bustling office lobby, their presence immediately commanding attention. The employees at their respective desks couldn't help but glance up, their hushed whispers and subtle smiles evident as the power couple entered.

Aubrey, dressed in a sharp, tailored suit that accentuated her confidence and poise, greeted people with a warm nod and a friendly smile as she walked past.

Blake, equally imposing in his dark, designer suit, acknowledged the greetings with a nod but maintained a slightly more reserved demeanor as he headed toward his corner office. He exuded an air of authority that was unquestionable, earning the respect of everyone in the office.

Aubrey settled gracefully at her sleek, modern desk near the window, her focused energy instantly palpable. She started reviewing reports and responding to emails, seamlessly blending her approachable charm with a sharp business acumen.

Meanwhile, Blake stepped into his spacious office, the door closing behind him with a subtle click. He took a moment to collect his thoughts, preparing for the day's challenges. Through the translucent glass walls of his office, his silhouette remained a symbol of strength and determination.

The office continued to buzz with productivity, and the employees couldn't help but be inspired by the couple's presence. Aubrey and Blake, each in their own way, had created an aura of excellence and power that permeated the entire workspace.

"You're new here, aren't you?" Aubrey was asked by a petite woman.

"Yes, I'm new," Aubrey replied.

"Oh, I heard you were coming with the boss. Heard you two are friends. By the way, I'm Lizzie," Lizzie said, extending her hand for a handshake.

"Hi, Lizzie. It's nice to meet you. I'm Aubrey." Aubrey replied playfully.

Aubrey smiled warmly at Lizzie and accepted the handshake. she replied. "Well, it's true that Blake and I have been friends for a while. As for the rest, I suppose you'll just have to get to know me and see for yourself, by the way what else have you heard?" she added with a playful wink, and tease in her response.

Lizzie's embarrassment deepened, a rosy hue now evident on her cheeks. She continued, " Well, nothing much but.....You know, Sir Adam and his son, Sir Vincent, they pretty much set up this entire office even before Sir Blake joined. They've been the backbone of this place for a while."

"So they set the entire place in an year?" Aubrey questioned.

Lizzie nodded in response."Hmm... they worked really hard. One more thing just be aware that everyone in this office gossips alot."

"Don't worry about the gossip; it's only natural when someone new joins the team. I'm here to work hard and contribute. That's all on my mind for now."

Lizzie's embarrassment seemed to fade as she found Aubrey's welcoming demeanor reassuring. "That's good to hear," she said, her tone more relaxed. "If you ever need anything or have questions about the office, just let me know. I've been here for a while, so I know the ropes."

Aubrey nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Lizzie. I'll keep that in mind. It's reassuring to know there are experienced colleagues like you here."

With that, they both returned to their tasks, and Aubrey felt a sense of camaraderie beginning to form in her new workplace.

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