Chapter 3

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Anna's anger had simmered beneath the surface for too long, and now it erupted like a volcano. She stood in her father's home office, a room filled with memories of her childhood, her happy parents, her mom.

Joseph Martinez, her father, had a broad smile on his face, delighted about becoming a grandfather. He moved to hug Anna, but she resisted his advance.

Tears welled up in Anna's eyes as her voice quivered with anger. "How could you decide for Cassie? You left us. You didn't call, didn't contact us to ask about us in sickness or health, and here you are deciding our fates. Did you ask Cassie what she wanted even for once? Did you?"

Anna's voice reverberated with pent-up frustration, her eyes brimming with a mixture of anger and hurt. Her father's once-familiar embrace felt foreign to her, and she pushed herself away, not caring that her actions startled him.

Joseph Martinez stood there, stunned into silence, his face pale with shock. He had anticipated some resistance, maybe even anger, but this outpouring of emotions from his daughter was unexpected, and it cut deep.

His eyes darted to Anna's abdomen, fearing that her passionate outburst might harm her or his grandchild. "Anna, please," he finally managed to stammer, his voice trembling. "I understand you're upset, but you need to calm down. Your health, and the baby's health..."

Anna interrupted him, her voice still raised, her anger unabated. "Don't you dare use my health or my child as an excuse, Dad! This is about Cassie. You can't just waltz back into our lives after being absent for so long and make decisions for her future."

Joseph's shoulders slumped, a mix of guilt and regret weighing him down. He had thought he was doing what was best for Cassie, trying to secure her future. He hadn't considered how his absence might have affected his daughters.

"I messed up, Anna," he admitted, his voice heavy with remorse. "I should have been there for all of you. I know I can't make up for all the lost time, but I thought... I thought this was the right thing."

Anna's anger began to wane, and she looked at her father with a mixture of sadness and frustration. "Dad, I understand you wanted what's best for Cassie, but you can't make such life-altering decisions without considering her feelings and desires. We're not children anymore. We deserve a say in our own lives."

Joseph Martinez nodded, his eyes downcast. He realized the truth in Anna's words. His absence had created a void in their family, and he couldn't simply step back in and dictate their futures.

"I'll talk to Cassie," he promised, his voice full of regret. "I'll apologize and listen to what she wants. I won't force her into anything."

Anna's expression softened as she nodded. She knew it wouldn't undo the past, but at least her father was willing to make amends and give Cassie a choice.

As the tension in the room began to ease, Anna couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, they could rebuild their fractured family.
Cassie hurried out of the college building, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of her upcoming exams. The bustling campus was alive with students rushing to their next classes. As she walked briskly toward the exit, she suddenly felt a strong grip on her arm. Startled, she turned to see Terrance, pulling her toward the open door.

A surge of fear coursed through Cassie as she tried to pull away. "Let go! Help!" she screamed, but her voice was drowned out by the noise of the passing students. Panic began to rise as she realized that no one was nearby to hear her cries for help.

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