Chapter 1

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As Vincent and Anna made their way back home from their honeymoon, a heavy silence hung in the air between them. The memories of their trip seemed like a distant dream, overshadowed by the weight of the truth that Vincent longed to share but couldn't find the courage to utter.

Anna, sitting beside him in the car, glanced at him from time to time, sensing his unease but not wanting to push him. She had seen the flicker of hesitation in his eyes, the way he opened his mouth as if to speak but then swallowed his words.

Vincent gripped the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles turning white. He stole a fleeting glance at Anna, her radiant smile and the soft glow in her eyes. It was moments like these that made it even harder for him to reveal the truth, to shatter the happiness they had shared.

They had gradually built a life together, and Vincent cherished the love and companionship they had. But he also carried the burden of secrets he had buried deep within him, secrets that threatened to tear their world apart.

The thought of losing Anna, the thought of her walking away from him, was a physical pain in Vincent's chest. He couldn't bear the idea of her leaving him, and that fear silenced him every time he wanted to confess.

Anna, her intuition sharpened by their time together, placed her hand gently on Vincent's thigh. "Is there something on your mind, Vincent?" she asked softly.

Vincent swallowed hard, his throat feeling dry. He knew he couldn't keep this truth hidden forever, but the words remained trapped, locked in a cage of his own making. His voice trembled slightly as he replied, "It's just... I've been thinking about us, about our future together."

Anna looked at him with concern. "Vincent, you can tell me anything. We've always been open with each other."

He nodded, a knot forming in his stomach. "I know, Anna, and that's what makes this so difficult. I... I need you to understand that I've made mistakes in my past, things I'm not proud of."

Anna's brows furrowed as she listened, her hand still resting on his thigh. "Vincent, whatever it is, we can face it together. You don't have to carry this burden alone."

Vincent's grip on the steering wheel loosened slightly, but the words remained trapped. He couldn't bring himself to say it, not yet. The fear of losing Anna, the fear of the pain in her eyes when she learned the truth, held him back.

Anna leaned closer to him, her voice a soothing melody. "Vincent, I love you. No matter what, we'll find a way through it together. You can tell me anything."

Vincent's heart ached as he gazed into Anna's eyes, eyes that held nothing but love and trust. For now, he couldn't bring himself to shatter that trust. He managed a weak smile and nodded, his voice barely a whisper. "I know, Anna. I know." Grabbing her hand he placed a soft kiss on it.

And so, they continued their journey home, Vincent was scared. Scared of how the truth might destroy his relation with Anna and mould their future.
Cassie sat all alone trying to focus on her lunch as she sat in the college cafeteria. She could feel Terrance's presence nearby, and it was hard to ignore. He was laughing loudly with Riley, and it grated on her nerves. 'How could he kiss her, be intimate with her and then jump to the next girl so easily.' Cassie felt her insides churning at the sight of Riley kissing Terrance. Those lips had kissed her without hesitation just a week ago and here......he was doing the same things with another girl without any shame. He was truly unaffected with the time he had spent with Cassie.

Terrance strolled over, a cocky grin on his face. "Hey, Cassie, meet Riley," he said, draping an arm casually around the girl beside him. "She's my girlfriend."

Cassie forced a smile. "Congratulations, Terrance," she replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil within. "I'm happy for you."

Terrance chuckled, clearly enjoying her discomfort. "Thanks, Cassie. You're such a sweetheart."

Later, as she saw him alone outside class, Cassie approached Terrance. "Why did you use me, Terrance?" she asked, her voice tinged with hurt. "Why did you dispose of me so easily?"

Terrance leaned against a wall, his expression cold. "Why are you so affected with my behavior Cassie? I never promised you anything apart for sex, we'll always remain enemies. The Martinez will suffer through you," he replied cryptically. "Vincent may have softened, but I won't. I'll never forgive Joseph Martinez for what he did to our family. He ruined my parents marriage. He seduced my mom!"

Cassie's eyes filled with tears, and she shook her head. "You're wrong, Terrance. My family is not like that. My dad would never hurt yours. He loved my mom too much!"

Terrance's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Oh, Cassie, you're so innocent. It's almost endearing. But you'll learn the truth one day, and then you'll understand. Your dad is a cheater. He ruined his marriage. Your mom died because of him."

Cassie couldn't bear the hurtful accusations any longer. "No!... you're a lier........I can't believe I ever thought you were my friend," she whispered, turning away.

Cassie sobbed uncontrollably as Terrance's harsh words echoed in her mind. She had believed in her family's love and integrity, and Terrance had shattered that belief. Her Dad was faithful.' He did neglect his children but he loved mom unconditionally.'

Terrance watched her with a mixture of satisfaction and cruelty. "Cry all you want, Cassie," he taunted. "It won't change the reality of what your dad did."

Cassie's heartache was too much to bear. Terrance had succeeded in breaking her spirit, and she felt utterly defeated. She couldn't understand how the boy she had once trusted and admired had turned into such a heartless enemy.

In a choked voice, Cassie managed to say, "You're not the Terrance I knew. I....I'm dumb, maybe you never showed me the real you."

Terrance's expression remained cold, and he walked away without a word, leaving Cassie to with the painful realization that her once-close friendship with him was now irreparably damaged with their family's history.

He was never really true to her. But Cassie had fallen deeply for the heartless imposter yet there fates were never meant to be or as she thought.

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