Chapter 6

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Terrance stormed into his room, slamming the door shut behind him. He couldn't help but feel a torrent of emotions raging within him. It was as though he had lost something precious, even though he told himself repeatedly that Cassie was merely a means to an end, a pawn in a larger game.

He leaned against the door, closing his eyes tightly as he tried to regain control. Her lips, he thought, her soft lips against his. He could still feel the memory of that kiss burning in his mind. It had felt real, something true, a connection that he hadn't expected.

But Terrance was resolute. He wouldn't let those feelings sway him. He couldn't afford to. His plans were too important, and Cassie was a necessary part of them. He gritted his teeth, determined to bury whatever emotions were stirring within him.


"What's going on?" Terrance inquired of the household staff, his curiosity piqued by the unusual activity within the mansion. "Is there a gathering or something today?"

"No, sir, ma'am......" the staff member replied, addressing the situation. "Ma'am Anna has arrived to spend time with her sister. They're preparing the rooms and getting things ready."

Terrance's heart raced at the mention of Anna's sister. "Which sister?" he asked, though he already knew the answer. He simply wanted to hear it confirmed.

"The youngest one, Sir, Miss Cassie," the staff member replied.

Terrance's lips curled into a sly smirk. Cassie was here, and the thought of her being so close ignited a strange sense of joy within him.

Terrance couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the news. Cassie, he thought, she's here. He had been anticipating this moment, even if he had tried to convince himself otherwise. Her presence in the mansion was going to make things very interesting, indeed. 

"Thank you for the information," he replied to the help, his voice filled with a hint of amusement. He knew that having Cassie so close was going to provide him with ample opportunities, and he was determined to make the most of them.


Terrance, locked in his room for most of the day, contemplated ways to unsettle Cassie, fully aware of her aversion to his presence. He was determined not to let her slip away to Russell. Lost in thought, a knock on his door interrupted his scheming. He opened the door to find Anna standing there, her face adorned with a warm smile, and gently caressing her pregnant belly.

"Terrance, may I come in?" she asked.

"Of course, Anna. Come in," Terrance replied, puzzled. "Is something wrong?"

Anna stepped inside, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity. "I wanted to ask you something. Is everything all right between you and Cassie? She seems quite on edge lately."

Terrance quickly responded, "Anna, everything is fine. It's just the stress from exams, you know."

Anna nodded, still worried. "Oh, I see. I was concerned. Could you please take care of her, Terrance? She's really sensitive. I raised her myself, and I don't want her to go through any more hardships. She's already been through a lot. She needs a friend like you."

Terrance nodded solemnly at Anna's request. "Of course, Anna. I'll do my best to be there for her and support her. She's family, and I care about her well-being."

Anna smiled warmly, appreciating his willingness to help her younger sister. "Thank you, Terrance. I know you have a good heart, even if you have a bit of a rough exterior. Cassie may not always show it, but I'm sure she'll appreciate having you around."

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