To My Soul 23

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Dear Zhange,

Love is a magical thing.
I knew that I loved him since I saw his face for the first time.
I want to do what Xiao Zhan likes.
But this handsome boy knew what love was.
I think love is the purest feeling people can have for each other.
Gender, social status, society, skin color, or education doesn't define you.
For me, love is wanting to take care of him.
I want him to be happy.
I want to see his smile.
I want to hear his laugh.
I want to hug and wipe away his tears when the world is too harsh for him.
I want to spend my life with him until....we grow old.

No matter what the future holds for us.
Whatever is going to happen.
Happiness or Sadness.
I'm ready to face it as long as the one I love is besides me.
I've learned that if we never let go of each other hands, our love can always begin again.
Sometimes, love comes into your life unexpectedly.
The person who never thought you'd fall in love with might turn out to be the right one.
We all are special in our own way.
But love also needs effort.
We have to adjust to each other.
We have to learn from each other through actions and words. Love is everything.
I've said it before that I believe in marriage.
I thought I had to change myself for someone I love.
I know that marriage is not the only thing I believe in.
I also believe in love.
Love and accept each other.
Love them for who they are.
And also, love yourself just the way you are.
I'll cherish our love.
I believe in love.
I love Zhan.
I don't care how other people define what our love is.
Because my love is real.
And it will always be like this forever.
Love is not just getting married.
It's about human rights and equality.
It's what we all deserve.
It might not exist in this society yet.
But I hope that one day we will have equal rights.
To have and to hold someone from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health, until death do us part.

I'm Yours BoBo 💚☘️

~ 𝘌𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘚𝘰𝘶𝘭 | 2023.09.25 ~

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