Watching as Lucifer looks towards the window, his eyes meet mine, before shaking his head and turning back to the man. "They can see us?" I mutter.

    "Nope, but you sure as hell just got in trouble," Lorenzo says as he comes from behind us. "I can't believe I'm late to the party. Anything?" his tone turns serious as he turns to Iz.

    "Nope," she mutters.

    "What happened to you?" Lo whispers to me, motioning to my arms.

    "She decided she was going to punch me into a wall, and hasn't been able to calm down since," Harium tells me, looking at him, I see a smile on his lips. He is so fucking bipolar.

    "Yeah, well now I also have these," I tell them. Lifting my hand into the air, showing my now claws. "But I can control those," I mutter, shifting my hand ever so slightly, the claws disappearing.

    "That's fucking cool," Lo exclaims. "Can someone else please go in, it doesn't look like anything is happening in there. Plus it looks like Evil Bitch is looking more at Lucifer than the old man."

    Turning my attention back to the window, I see what he is talking about. While Lucifer is now standing over the man, muttering something, Koriene is just standing against the wall. Her eyes traveling down his backside over and over, her lip going in between her teeth.

    "Bitch," I mutter, heading toward the door again.

    "Let her," Isabania tells Harium as he goes to step in front of me. Moving out of my way, he does set a hand on my shoulder.

    "Just watch yourself," he tells me, before taking his hand off my shoulder.

    Opening the door, I step in, instantly having Koriene screaming as I yank her hair back. "You aren't doing your fucking job. So stop eye-fucking my husband and get to it," I whisper in her ear.

    Letting go of her hair, I smile at my pissed off husband before closing the door behind me again. Looking through the window once again, Koriene now has the old man against the wall, dragging a knife against his chest.

    "Now that was badass," Iz states, her eyes never leaving Koriene.

    Smiling at her words, I feel my anger start to simmer down as I watch Koriene finally do her job. Stepping up to the wall, Iz presses a body, a screech from a speaker sounding before we can finally hear inside the small room.

    "I don't know who it was," the man replies, his voice coming out broken, as if he hasn't talked in years.

    "They must have come up to you," Lucifer replies, crossing his arms as he stands against the wall. Watching the man, his gaze only falls towards the floor. "Koriene." Without hesitation, she slashes a large cut along his jaw, making him scream in pain.

I flinch at the sound.

    "He came up to me on a rooftop, I go up there every couple of days, just to get away," the man states.

    "We don't need your whole life story," Koriene states.

    "I'm trying to speak, bitch," the man spits at her, which only gets him another cut.

    "Let him speak," Lucifer tells her, as she goes to strike him again.

    "He came up and told me that the devil had just got married, I didn't fucking believe him. I've been down here for centuries and everyone knows the devil just fucks," he stops, trying to catch his breathe.

    The room is silent for a couple of seconds, I can feel eyes on me, but I don't want to turn. That's Lucifer's past, I don't care. I try not to care.

    "He then explained what happened at your so-called wedding," he scoffs. "Then told me he would make sure everyone left me alone if I came and delivered a message when he shot an arrow into the sky. I've been waiting outside your gates for three days, waiting for that damn arrow."

    "What did he look like," Lucifer asked, drawing my attention to him. While his features haven't changed, I can see his tight jaw, even just his stance is tight. His eyebrows furrowed like they were when we were flying.

    "He had a hood on him, the only thing I could make out was that he was short, real fucking short. Almost like a child," the man states.

    "We are done," Lucifer states, turning towards the door.

    As the doorknob turns, Koriene slits the man's throat, letting him fall to the ground, a gasp leaving me before I can stop it.

    Turning to the now open door, Lucifer tells Harium to clean everything up, telling Isabania that he will talk to her tonight. As he starts to turn to me, Koriene gets in front of him with a smile. "So," she states.

    "What?" Lucifer snaps, his eyes leaving me to go to hers.

    "I can tell you were really stressed there. Any particular reason? You usually aren't like that," she states, her hand going up to touch his chest.

    I smirk when Lucifer grabs her wrist, flinging her hand back towards her. "Because that soul knew something about the arrow that shot at me and my wife."

    "Right, your wife," she mutters, turning to me with a glare, before stomping out towards the hall.

    Giving Lucifer an innocent smile, I walk towards the same door when I'm held back. "Don't even try it, wife."

    "I just wanted to see," I whine, looking back at him.

    "I'm sure," he nods. "But, what I can't figure out is how the hell did you get Harium to disobey my orders and let you in here. And then, come into the room to put Koriene in her place."

    "She fucking needed it," I shoot back.

    "That may be true," he agrees. "Now explain the rest."

    "I shoved him into the wall," I mutter, looking down towards the floor. "Hard."

    "He is a grown demon, you can't just shove him into a wall," Lucifer states, grabbing my chin to look at him before crossing his arms. "So explain."

    "Just watch," I tell him. Lifting my arm up, my nails elongate, thinking about Koriene, my veins start to turn blue and I feel the coolness of fire taking over my features. "He pissed me off, so without noticing he ended up in a wall."

    "You can control it," he mutters, taking my hand in his. "This is new."

    "Yup, so everyone says," I tell him, relaxing at his touch, my features going back to normal. "So he let me. And I watched, and dealt with and then watched some more."

    Still holding my hand between us, he brings it to his lips, giving it a soft kiss before holding it once again by his side. "Let's go my little demon, I believe I promised you a good day."

    "Don't call me that, but yes you did," I tell him, falling him out into the hallway.

    "Okay, Darling. How about I finally show you the modern area?" he asks.

    "Ooh, yes!" I exclaim. "And we can do the movie night now."

    "Of course, Darling."

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