Around Every Corner pt 2

Start from the beginning

Ben: okay that is NOT Cool.

Travis and Christa both through up izuku,Duck and Clementine walk back

Carley: Christa you okay?

Christa: I'm fine Carley, it's just the smell.

Omid: you sure you -

Christa: I said I'm fine , okay?

Clementine: are you okay Travis?

Travis: yeah . Just really gross to see something like that.

Kenny: come on let's get that door open.

Carley: yes please

Lee Walks up to the door and kneels down

Lee : here goes nothing

He puts the collar near the doggie door and it opens

Kenny: Yes! Goddamn!

Duck: Nice work Batman

Travis: finally

Clementine runs up to Lee side

Ben : you see anything in there?

Lee : no . Looks like it's been empty a while.

Izuku: that's a good sign

Walkers can be heard closing in getting Chuck and Christa attention

Chuck: those creeps are coming in close

Christa: whatever you're gonna do. do it fast.

Lee : okay, lemme see if I can reach up in there...

Ben : be careful man.

Travis: maybe we should send izuku in he's Short bet he can fit right in there.

He laughs while izuku pouts

Izuku: I'm not that short jerk.

Carley: boys come on right now really

Lee : it's no good I can't get it.

Ben : here, let me try. I think I can-

Clementine out of knowhere crawls into the doggie door getting the group attention Lee eyes go wide In a worried look

Lee : Clem! Are you okay? Say something!

Duck: Batgirl

Izuku: Clementine

There was silence it felt like forever but the door unlocked and started to open Clementine came out with and smile and her hands raised

Clementine: TA-DA

Izuku: heck yeah Clem

Duck: yay Batgirl!

Chuck: Good work little one

Travis: nice job Clem

Carley: way to go sweetie

Lee : Great Job Clem !

Ben : yeah, way to go.

Clementine: I did good, right?

Lee: yes you did. You did good.

Omid: can we maybe have this conversation inside? My legs starting to hurt like hell.

Kenny Walks in to check it out izuku puts on he's crossbow

Kenny: looks okay from here, everybody in.

The group goes in Christa and Carley help Omid to the couch Ben closes the door chuck looks around in the kitchen with Travis izuku walks with Kenny and duck Lee and Clementine stand next to each other Christa and Carley walk up to Lee , Kenny and izuku

Christa: so , when were you going to tell us about the radio?

Kenny: tell you what?

Izuku: guys

Christa: that it's working. That there's someone else at the end of that thing! You didn't think that might have been worth sharing with the rest of us ?

Lee : I was going to tell you. Kenny, izuku and I only found out yesterday.

Christa: so the three of you were keeping it from the rest of us great

Carley: hey they were still gonna tell us I'm more worried about Clementine.

Izuku: same whosever it was got some sick plan for her

Kenny: who gives a shit about the damn radio? I'm more worried about whoever it was out there ringing that bell and bringing the dead down on top of us ! It's like they didn't want us make it to the river!

Christa: what makes you think it's not the same person? Whoever was on the radio was close enough to see us in the street . And we didn't see anyone else other than the guy in the bell Tower.

Kenny: because that doesn't make a kick of Damn sense. Why would they bring out the dead like that and then try to warn us about it?

Lee : whoever that was on the radio, I think they were trying to help us. They did warn us , didn't they?

Izuku: no it wasn't for are sakes guys

They look at izuku

Izuku: it was for Clementine he doesn't care about us only her that's why he warned us about the dead. Whoever he is he's watching us following us .

The group goes silent for a moment

Lee : I think we could use a little time to rest up and gather our thoughts, Kenny. At least until those walkers outside wander off and omid feeling better

Kenny: he'd best feel better quick. I ain't gonna wait around here to long.

Ben : place seems secure at least.

Christa: I'll feel better when we know that for sure. We need to check the hole house.

Kenny sighs: alright, fine. Ben , Travis and Chuck with me will check the upstairs.

Carley: Lee and I can check down here check every door that's down here.

Lee: alright

Kenny and the others follow him upstairs Carley walks towards the couch waiting for Lee izuku duck and Clementine we're behind him

Duck: what's are mission now Batman?

Clementine: can I help ? What if there's another locked door?

Lee : I think you two been helpful enough for one day, kiddo's. Why don't you see if Christa and Omid need anything okay?

Clementine: okay

Duck: you got it come on Clem

The two kids walk away

Izuku: I'll look around the kitchen while you help Carley out with searching be careful.

Lee : you gotta it kid


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