7. Wakey, Wakey

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As the golden sunlight filtered through the curtains, Y/N slowly awoke to the sweet melody of her baby's cry. With half-closed eyes, she turned to her peacefully slumbering husband and tenderly caressed his face. Her soft touch brought a subtle smile to his lips as he stirred from his sleep.

"Wakey wakey, sleepyhead!" Y/N gently ran her fingers through his hair, her voice filled with affection.

C/N grumbled in response, his voice laced with sleepiness. "Ugh...just a few more minutes, paapa."

Y/N playfully retorted, "Remember, the longer you stay in bed, the more kisses and tickles you'll get!"

A teasing smile danced upon his lips. "Hmm...maybe a few more minutes won't hurt then. I could use some extra pampering."

Giggling, Y/N replied, "Alright, you asked for it! But just know that our little one won't wait for us forever!"

In the background, their baby's cries grew louder, a reminder of the responsibilities that awaited them. Y/N sighed playfully. "Looks like our little alarm clock is reminding us it's time to start the day."

She stood up, ready to tend to their little one. But before she could walk away, her husband gently grabbed her hand, stopping her in her tracks. His eyes pleaded for her to not go

"Come on, stay with me a little longer. C/N whispered, his voice filled with love and longing.

"Emandi.." Y/N's heart melted at his words. How could she resist such a request? She settled back into bed, their hands intertwined.

And so, they lay there, wrapped in each other's embrace, savoring the tranquility of the morning. The cries of their baby gradually faded into the background as they focused solely on each other.

Y/N glanced at the clock and quickly sprang out of bed. "Ah, that's enough for now," she muttered to herself as she walked up to the baby's crib and gently picked up the little one, showering it with kisses.

She then called C/N, who was still groggy from sleep, and playfully pushed him towards the shower. After a little resistance, he finally relented and went to freshen up.

As Y/N finished up her morning routine, she couldn't help but glance at the clock. Her husband was still nowhere to be seen. Concern crossed her face as she wondered what was taking him so long. Had he gotten lost in his thoughts or fallen asleep in the steamy bathroom? She decided to investigate, making her way towards the closed door.

She playfully scolded C/N as he took his sweet time in the bathroom. "Hurry up in there! We've got a busy day ahead!" she called out, a hint of impatience in her voice.

C/N, always the joker, replied teasingly, "Oh, you know I like to take my time in here."

Y/N rolled her eyes, knowing he was just trying to get a rise out of her. "Oh, you're such a pichikari! Don't make me come in there and drag you out. We have places to go and things to do!"

C/N finally relented, promising to come out soon. "Alright, alright, I'm coming out. No need to get all bossy. But I can't promise I won't take a little longer to enjoy the hot water," he said, a mischievous tone in his voice.

Y/N smirked, knowing his tricks all too well. "Fine, take your time, but just remember, I'll be waiting with a stopwatch ready to time you!" she replied, a playful challenge in her words.

C/N finally emerges from the bathroom, wearing a towel, his hair dripping. "Abbo, making quite the splashy mess there, aren't we?" Y/N teases him.

He responds by shaking his hair at her, causing droplets to fly in all directions. Y/N's laughter fills the room as she scolds him in the most delightful way, "You better mop this up!"

C/N playfully winks at her, saying, "Consider it done." Y/N smiles and grabs a piece of cloth, gently rubbing it on his hair to help dry it.

Just as they're enjoying this tender moment, their baby crawls up to them. Y/N bends down, scooping the baby into her arms. "Enti babu?" She asks in the most adorable baby voice.

"Chala andhanga undi!" C/N can't help but join in, making silly sounds and playful faces, doing everything he can to make the baby smile.

Y/N gently tickles the baby's tummy, making it giggle with delight. While the baby's laughter fills the room, Y/N and C/N exchange a proud and loving glance, knowing that they have created a beautiful and happy little bundle of joy.

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