1. Arranged Marriage

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y/n (Your Name)
c/n (Crush's Name)

In the bustling kitchen, y/n finds herself standing nervously beside her mother. The air is filled with the chitter-chatter of families gathered in the nearby room. It was the bride-seeing ceremony, and the prospective groom, along with his parents and younger sister, is seated in the living room as y/n's father engage in conversation with them.

As the tea begins to boil, y/n's heart races in anticipation. She cautiously stands near the door, trying not to reveal herself. However, the groom is positioned in such a way that he isn't visible from that angle. As y/n sneaks a peek through the door, unable to catch a glimpse of the groom, her brother playfully teases, "Well, well, someone's in a hurry to see! Looks like love is brewing faster than the tea."

y/n rolls her eyes and responds with a smirk, "Oh please, bhaiya..you're the expert, aren't you?"

Their banter continues and he finally says,"Ahem ahem... Don't worry, y/n. He's just as handsome as in the picture. You'll see!"

y/n smiles, feeling reassured, and quickly runs back to the kitchen. She sees her mother arranging biscuits on a tray and carefully pouring tea into cups, placing them on a saucer tray with utmost care. y/n casually plops down on the kitchen countertop, taking a biscuit from the tray and playfully swinging their legs back and forth.

Her mother playfully slaps y/n on the side, saying, "y/n, stop it! It's for them, not you."

y/n grins and puts the biscuit back saying, "Fine, Ma!"

Her mother gave a final touch to y/n's appearance as she adjusted the dupatta slightly, making sure it cascaded elegantly over y/n's shoulder. A gentle pat on the cheek accompanied by a loving smile conveyed her approval.

With that last-minute adjustment, y/n was now ready to make a lasting impression. Her mother then looks at her, smiling, with her hands around her face. "My beautiful daughter. I'm sure they'll like you. Anyone would."

As y/n gracefully walked into the living room, a hush fell over the crowd. Her eyes were cast down, a coy smile playing on her lips, as she held a beautifully adorned tray in her hands. With each step, the delicate sound of her anklets filled the room, adding a touch of elegance to the atmosphere.

As she reached the tabletop, the gasps of admiration and appreciation echoed through the room. "Wow, look at her! She looks absolutely stunning!", said the groom's sister.

"Agreed." Whispers of awe and compliments filled the air, as the guests continued to comment on her saree and jewelry.

y/n's shy smile grew wider as she felt the warmth of their compliments wash over her. She lifted her eyes, meeting the gaze of the groom.

Finally, the groom's mother asked, "Hey Beta. So, what do you like to do in your free time? Any hobbies or interests?"

"Oh, definitely! I love painting, reading, and exploring new places." y/n responsed.

As y/n shared her hobbies, she couldn't help but steal glances at the groom, who was smiling back at her. The room was filled with a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, as everyone engaged in casual conversation.

"Well, I do believe that our dear y/n and c/n would benefit from some alone time, don't you agree?" her brother suggested, pointing teasingly at the two of them.

y/n responded with an exasperated yet amused expression, her eyes narrowing at her brother's antics. The parents caught on to the playful banter and chimed in, "Yes, yes, you two. Go on and have a chat!"

With a shared smile, y/n and the c/n gracefully retreated to a quieter corner. They found themselves standing awkwardly in silence for a moment. They exchanged glances, their eyes darting away, unsure of how to break the ice.

The tension hung in the air until, unexpectedly, they burst into laughter at the absurdity of the situation. The shared chuckles broke the silence, and y/n finally mustered the courage to speak up, breaking the ice with a lighthearted question.

y/n: *nervously shifts weight from one foot to the other* "So... um, nice weather, right?"

c/n: *slightly blushes and avoids eye contact* "Yeah, it's pretty nice. Not too hot, not too cold."

y/n: *giggles softly, trying to ease the tension* "That's good. So, um, do you have any hobbies or interests?"

cn: *smiles* "Yeah, I enjoy playing the guitar. Do you play anything ?"

y/n: *nods, feeling more at ease* "Oh, no. I like painting and reading. It's nice to have some quiet time for myself."

c/n: *leans in, showing genuine interest* "Definitely. I find it relaxing too. So, do you have any favorite books or authors?"

y/n: *eyes light up with excitement* "Hmm, well, I really enjoy fantasy novels. J.R.R. Tolkien is one of my favorites."

c/n: *grins, feeling a connection* "Oh, nice."

y/n: *smiles warmly* "Have you read 'The Lord of the Rings'?"

c/n: "Not really. But I've seen the movies."

As the conversation continued, their initial awkwardness began to fade away. The shyness gradually gave way to a genuine connection, and they enjoyed getting to know each other better.

y/n's heart raced as she stepped back into the living room, her gaze fixed on their family seated before them.

c/n's eyes sparkled with excitement, his own anticipation evident in the way his smile stretched from ear to ear. He couldn't help but steal glances at y/n.

y/n's mischievous brother, having noticed this, couldn't resist adding a playful tease to the mix, his words laced with a touch of jest. "Well, well, are you two ready to take the plunge?" he quipped, unable to hide his delight at the prospect of their union.

Laughter erupted in the room, a chorus of joyous voices filling the space. y/n and the c/n exchanged a knowing look, their laughter mingling together in perfect harmony.

y/n's parents, beaming with pride, reached across the table to shake hands, sealing their agreement and giving their blessing to the impending marriage. It was a gesture that spoke volumes, a silent affirmation of the unbreakable bond that tied them all together.

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