"What's new in this, Lavik. It's not the first time you forgot to buy a gift. It's just that you have a beautiful reason this time. Don't worry, I have already bought something from our side." I said searching for an outfit in my closet.

"Oh! Thanks man." He said.

"Instead of saying thanks, you can do me a favour. Send me Awya's number. She called you that day." I said.

"What? I thought you guys must have exchanged your number by now. Well what's the scene dude?" He asked sheepishly.

"It's not what you are thinking. Since Myra is coming with you so I thought to pick her up. You know at night it won't be safe in the cab especially when she is alone. So for now send me her number and let me get ready." I replied.

"Oh! That's sweet of you. I am sending it in few minutes and please be there on time." He said and cut the call.

I finally opted for a black jeans, black tee with a burgundy bomber jacket and black shoes and went for shower.

When I came back, I checked Lavik's WhatsApp message and smiled. Along with her number he has also sent me her address.

"Brother, that's her address. I am with Myra right now and I requested her for that. As it is about her safety, she agreed. Go pick her up and enjoy your ride till the club."

"You're my buddy for a reason." I texted him.

I got ready quickly, wore my perfume and set my hair with hair wax.

I took the car keys along with the gift and started driving. I reached my location and called Awya and asked her to come outside. She came in a mintue she was looking fuckin hot. I couldn't resist myself from looking at her.

"Will you stop oggling me and start driving?" She said.

"Umm....yeah....sorry." I said and started driving.

"Well, I know Lavik gave you my number. That's the only way you can have it. But who gave you my address?" She asked while looking at me.

I started smiling. "There's no photoshoot going on for which you are smiling. I am asking you something Mr. Viren." She said while forcing Mr. Viren.

"Oh! In that case Miss Awya, Lavik called me few minutes back and that's when I asked him for your number. He was with Myra and he asked her for your address and...." I said and she interrupted.

"What? How can she give my address like this? I won't spare her." She said. "Ohho, calm down you crackhead. It was about your safety that's why she agreed. I don't have any evil plans for you." I said with a  glance.

"You better don't have any." She replied. "I am anyway not interested in all this bullshit." I replied and she rolled her eyes.

After few mintues of a silent drive, we reached the club. I parked my car and we went inside. We saw Inaya, Arun, Myra and Lavik dancing together.

We approached them and we both wished Inaya and Arun and handed them their gifts. All of them were dancing and drinking.

I bought a drink for myself and Awya. My eyes laid on Lavik and Myra and it looked like they are inseparable, completely lost into one another. I am happy to see Lavik this way.

"Hello, Mr. Viren. Where are you lost?" Asked Awya. "Ah! Nothing. Here's your drink." I said.

"Were you searching for a chick?" She said while sipping her orange peach splash.

"What do you mean?" I asked while sipping my red wine.

"Last time when we were at G - CLUB, you were with someone. So, that's why I thought you were searching for a chick. May be to have fun." She replied.

"Sorry to disappoint you Miss. Awya. But I don't have to search for someone. Girls can't resist themselves from talking to me." I said.

This time I don't have condom so there's no chance of having fun. I am pro in this but it's about the girl. I don't wanna take any risk.

"Oh really! Come out from your imaginary world Viren." She sai rolling her eyes.

"Well, I wasn't the only one who had fun that day. You were also busy with a guy." I said while looking at her.

"It's nothing like that we only danced together." She replied.

"But wait, who told you that..... ah! Lavik again. Can't he keep anything to himself." She continued.

"It's not like that, it was just a casual convo between us." I said.

"Guys please continue your conversation later. Come let's dance." Myra said.

We started dancing and few minutes later I saw the carefree Awya. She was lost. She was happy. She was enjoying.

She was looking fuckin hot and I was busy adoring her. She was smiling and seeing her smile is the most beautiful view someone can ever witness.

She was lost in dancing and I was lost in her.

Precap : "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Call me Miss Awya."

"Where's my good night kiss?"

So how's this?

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