.Pain Everywhere.

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"Damn bro, I played against you in this game. You still managed to win?" Indo asked, wondering how Phil beat him in a game.

"Yessir, I can win against you." Phil said.

A bucket load of chatting filled the entire room and Mal was doing his work on the laptop, ignoring the chitter-chatter taking up the whole room. If you were to be able to image it, Mal is like a tiny bean and surrounded by water which takes up space. 

"Hey Malaysia, would you be nice enough to join our game session? You can play this on your phone, you know." Indonesia called, signaling Mal to come.

"I'm fine sitting from here but to be polite enough thank you for inviting me to your session. I have some work to do.

"Are you sure? You want to miss this bonding we are creating?" Phil asked.

"Oh dear, looks like I have a freaking call." Mal said, standing up to answer his phone. 

He walked away while talking to someone on his phone. 

"Is he always like that??" Phil whispered. 

"Yep but his calls are important, way more important than ours." Indo said, turning to face Mal.

He saw Mal giggling and blushing. His crush must've called him to go out somewhere. 

"Ok dear, I'll find the right we can meet. ^^" Mal said softly, ending the call.

"Ooh Mal, who was it?" Phil said raising an eyebrow.

"Singapore. He asked me if we could hang out someday." Mal explained. "Anyway, you two can continue with whatever you are doing. I'm calling it a day."

Mal walked to his bedroom and shut the door behind him. 

"I'm jealous. I can't even win his heart over Singapore." Indo thought. "What is so nice about Singapore? Is he rich? Is he kind?"

(Μαι's POV)

I sat down on my bed, thinking about plans to meet with Singapore. When suddenly an aching feeling swarmed around me. It hit at the most sensitive parts of my body like my stomach, neck and my back. My legs can't move. My arms were numb and stiff. A headache formed and when I turned my head it created a sharp feeling. 

"What is this...pain?" I asked myself in my mind. I could hear my older brother's soul speaking to me. 

"It's your friend's jealousy. They are using you to remove their pain and transfer it to you." MPAJA, the name of the soul, said. "Is it killing you?"

"Yes it is! Argh, I feeling like my head is hitting to the wall!" I screamed inside. 

"They are using you. Why not you take the pain away by... murdering them?" MPAJA suggested. 

"Murder them? What the heck?!" 

"Do it. If the pain worsens, the more jealous or angry they feel. You can't go out feeling this numb and stiff. Rest first and then you can go..." MPAJA chuckled, disappearing in my mind. 

His cloak waved into the blowing mist in my head. 

It hurts so badly. 

Gosh, please help me. I am suffering. 

It's the pain everywhere. I couldn't help but cry myself to sleep with my working clothes on. 


"Stop banging your head on the wall." Phil said. "It's not your fault."

"Singa took Mal away from me. I want to kill him." Indo snarled. A heavy feeling formed in Indo's chest. "I think I need some water. GET THE FRICKING WATER!" 

Phil rushed to pour a glass of water and handed it to Indo. "Thank you Phil." He muttered as Indo gulped the entire thing down.

Now with Mal having the pain everywhere and Indo being jealous, there was always an answer for two fucking things happening: Revenge. That meant Mal had to get Indo out of his sight or Indo make Mal break up with Singa. If these don't even work, something is definitely wrong with the two of them. 



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