No Compromise

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AN: Thank you guys for being patient while waiting for me to update everything! Now that school is out I'm hoping to update more for all my stories. Despite the wait, I hope you guys like this chapter! :) Also, this chapter is dedicated to @tragic_wonderland for the comment she left on the last chapter!

Song: The Book of You & Me by The Maine


When I woke up the next morning, I could still feel Chris's arms around me. Usually the feeling would've put a smile on my face, but I knew today was going to be awkward. I wanted to bring up having a baby again, but I knew what he would say.

I let out a light sigh before wriggling out of his loose grip and made my way to the kitchen. Maybe if I made him a nice breakfast he'd be more open to talking about what had happened last night. I opened the refrigerator and pulled out a package of bacon and a carton of eggs. We were very good cooks so my options were limited. I then pulled out a frying pan, which we had received as a wedding gift and used about twice, and started to prepare the eggs.

About a half hour later, my very groggy husband appeared in the kitchen with a yawn. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I tended to the eggs. He was so tall that he could rest his chin on my head. Maybe I was just really short.

"What's the occasion?" he questioned sleepily. As I said, I wasn't much of a cook, so this scene was pretty rare. We usually stopped at McDonald's for a breakfast sandwich or just skipped breakfast all together.

"I can't just make you breakfast? There has to be an occasion?" I responded before he planted a kiss on my cheek. I didn't want to say that I wanted to talk about having a baby.

"It's just usually you don't," he replied with a shrug. He then took a seat at our small kitchen table and scooped some scrambled eggs on to a paper plate. I added some bacon to our plates before setting them down and taking a seat next to him. "You know, you really didn't have to do this," he added.

"I know. I wanted to," I responded with a smile. Even though cooking really wasn't my thing, I was never bothered by doing nice thing for him. I loved him more than anything.

The next few moments were spend in silence as we both ate our food.

"Chris," I started uncertainly. He looked over at me. In the heat of the moment last night he hadn't taken off his makeup and his eyebrows were smeared. I usually would have laughed, but I was too nervous. "Can we talk about last night?" I asked timidly.

"Babe, do you really want a baby?" he questioned with an exasperated sigh. Well, this wasn't going to go well.

"Yes. Why is that such a bad thing?" I cried out. Having kids was supposed to be this amazing thing, right? Why was it so bad to want to feel that?

"Because I can't be around to help you take care of it. Do you really want to take care of baby by yourself while I'm gone?" he asked. While he did have a little bit of a point, I knew his mom would be happy to help. She kept hinting around that she wanted to become a grandmother.

"I'm sure your mom wouldn't mind helping out a bit and we could send it to daycare so I could go back to work. I think I could handle it. Other band members have kids and they do it," I pointed out. If it was so hard, how did so many of his friends' wives and girlfriends handle it? I was confident that while it might not be easy, it would be worth it.

"If I'm going to have a kid I wanna make sure I'm here for it. I can't do that if I'm on tour," he responded, his voice rising a bit. I stared down at my food, not wanting my eyes to meet his.

"But, Chris-" I started.

"Marietta, no. Not now," he stated in a tone that told me the conversation was over. I guess I wasn't getting that baby anytime soon.


"Why are guys always so against having kids?" I murmured as I sat on the couch in the apartment Holly shared with her long term boyfriend, Andrew. I looked up at the ceiling, feeling pretty shitty. I didn't want to make Chris mad, but unfortunately I had.

"Why? You want a baby?" she questioned. Thankfully she didn't seem too shocked. I had kept most of my urge for motherhood to myself even though Holly was my best friend.

"Yeah," I responded. I hadn't been able to get my mind off the fact that Chris shot down my request for a family. Was it really so bad to want a baby?

"And Chris doesn't want to?" she guessed. I didn't even have to tell her she was right. It was obvious, especially since she was my best friend and could practically read my mind.

"I just don't get it. His best explanation is that he's always on tour, but I told him I could do it. I'd have help and he'd be home when he could," I explained, hoping she would comfort me and tell me I was right; that it was ok to want a kid.

"Even though it would be awesome for you guys to have a baby, maybe he's just looking out for you," she suggested. My brow furrowed in confusion as I tried to figure out what she was saying. I wanted a baby not a time bomb. How was he 'looking out for me?'

"What do you mean?" I questioned, looking over at her. Even though we were closer than most friends I had met, I still had no idea what she was getting at.

"I mean, maybe he's thinking that you guys will have the baby and then things will be harder than you thought and he won't be there to help," she clarified. Her reasoning made no sense because I had made it clear that I could most likely handle things on my own.

"But I would have help. You could help me, his mom could help me, and we could put it in daycare when I go back to work. Everything would be fine," I insisted. Whether Holly liked it or not, she was going to have to help out if this ever did happen.

"Maybe he's afraid of being a bad father because he won't be there," she proposed. I couldn't imagine Chris being an inadequate father. I could practically see him now holding our baby with love.

"No, no way. He would be a great father, I know it. He's one of the most loving, caring people I know," I argued. Chris would probably be one of the best fathers ever to be honest.

"Believe what you want, Marietta, but I think that's it. Maybe he's just afraid he won't be loving enough," she continued. That couldn't be the real reason he didn't want a baby, right? He knew that no matter how much time he had to spend on tour, our future kid would still love him no matter what, right?

To Keep Her Safe (A Chris Motionless Fan Fic-Sequel to I Long For a Love)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora