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Honesty POV

I was looking through some pictures of my father, I don't know why but I'm always looking at his pictures

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I was looking through some pictures of my father, I don't know why but I'm always looking at his pictures.

I shouldn't even care to. But for some reason, I do.

It was old pictures of him and my mom together, and some of all three of us when I was a baby.

Then some of just me and him.

I sighed a little, rolling my eyes and just shaking my head.

I just stared at the picture, and as I stared at it, a lot of thoughts ran through my mind.

Did he ever love me?

And if he did, why did he go off and kill himself?

Why? When he knew he had a daughter, that needed him.

Did he ever love my mom? If he did, why did he put her through so much?

My mom has never told me about what he's done, probably so I wouldn't view him in a negative light, but I read it online.

And seen a few videos that went viral on YouTube.

Why did he cheat on my mom if he loved her, why did he hit her? Why did he do all the things he did, if he loved her?

If he loved me?

And if he loved his family?

I don't get it.

Then instead of making it right, he kills himself.

I don't understand.

I always pray for understanding or guidance on that, because I truly don't get it. But, it is what it is.

I'm just waiting for God's response.

I opened my little jewelry box, and looked at his chains. My mom just left them in here in case I decide I wanna wear them.

I pulled out the RR chain, and squinted my eyes a bit.

I took a deep breath.

I put the chain on, and my eyes watered. I don't even know why.

I stood up from the bed and walked over to my mirror and I just looked at myself and the chain.

And I just stared.

And stared.

I held it together because for some reason I just wanted to cry, but I won't.

I took the chain off and tossed it on my dresser, before folding my arms and rolling my eyes.


Kumar POV

Kumar POV

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