the end

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In front of the bar, an orange-haired train conductor stood beside a towering man with an eye-patch.

"Took her seven years to meet him," Courage said, nudging Time with his elbow. "Do you reckon we should go and say hi to her? Give her a congratulations?"

"They just met. They might not even... what is the word that humans use?"

"Date," Courage answered. "Our version of court. You know they will end up together."

"Only time will tell, Courage. Only time will tell."

"God, you are a brooding old man," Courage grumbled, rolling his eyes. "W-Where are you going?"

Time had turned on his heel, stalking off. "To find more victims for the house."

"Victims?" Courage's voice rose into a question. "Time, they aren't victims! They are people who need help."

"Better come along, Courage. Your next shift is on the train and you're running late."

"Why would I worry about that? I'm with you, the God of Time!"

"Hush now."

Into the night, one angel and one demon could be seen walking down an empty street until they vanished. 

The House of Hope #2 - short story for those who need to healWhere stories live. Discover now