"Hey, can we ask questions?" I asked  




"Well you know, since I've been gone for two years, I never truly knew how you two met. Could we get a recap on that?"  


"Yeah. It's funny really, fate intervened. I remember I was on my way to go see some family and my car broke down. Now mind you it's raining and everything, so I want to get home as quick as possible. But also I was on a deserted road, so there were barely any cars coming through. Well he did in his huge pick-up truck and a glistening smile on his face. I thought he'd keep going but he stopped, got out of his car, and the rest was history. And we've been dating since." She remarked, looking up at him  


"Never thought Josh as the romantic type." I teased  


"He's changed, that's for sure." He suddenly said with an easy chuckle  


"What can I say? It was time I found the right girl and settle down. That's what I did." Josh smiled at her, but also making eye contact with him.  


"Alright, let's get to what we're really here for: the meeting. Now as you know Amber and Ellie, you're the maids of honor and Brandi's sister's are to be bridesmaids. The gist of this one is for everyone to know their parts in the wedding. Evan, Christopher, Cairo, and Jack, you're my groomsman. And Leo, my best man."  


"So when's the big bachelor party?" Evan smirked  


Josh chuckled.  


"Closer to the wedding. But, it'll be in Vegas."  


"Whaaaaat, and you're cool with that Brandi?" Jack asked  


"Yeah, I trust my man." Brandi said affectionately, rubbing his arm  


"I'd like to say that I am flattered you guys are including me in the wedding, even though you hardly know me." Christopher piped up  


"Oh go on, you're with Ellie, she's has good tastes... usually." Amber commented, cutting her eyes over at Leo, "But none the less, you're dating our girl, so it's only right that we include you in."  


"Yes. Plus, it'll be a small ceremony anyway, and that's saying something since I have a huge family. I'm Latina, you know how we get down." Brandi commented  


"Hey, same with my family. Only I don't see them often, they're all over the place." I smiled  


"Are your parent's still in Ghana?"  


"Yep. I actually visited them during my stint. My mom's a saint, she actually did another Peace Corps stint herself a couple of years ago. Her and my dad met on her first stint, and she and he go back often in places around Africa."  

Mine (Book 2 of the His Series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt