The Unexpected Prison Visitor

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disarray had never thought that words would ever haunt him, but hearing his ex-best friend screaming about how he was going to kill him for what he did, and how mercilessly he looked shouting at him, left scars deeper and more terrifying than any weapon could ever dream to achieve


the last battle he ever had with chaos was roughly 6 months ago, in all his years of knowing leo and working alongside him, he had never witnessed such a display of wrath and violence before, chaos used to be so lenient and patient with him, he had forgotten just how ruthless he could truly be when pushed to his limits, it terrified him

in that battle, chaos held nothing back, he didn't even let anyone else interfere with their fight, he wanted their battle to be personal, the look in his eye, it was as if he was out for murder and he honestly didn't doubt it, he beat and shocked in ways he didn't even know were possible, the only reason how he was able to escape his grasp was when the grief of shock hit him at once and it left him with enough time to pray him off, unfortunately, mysterion caught him and knocked him out cold and the last thing he remembered was being dragged into a paramedic's truck, had it not been for that, he would've been in a coffin right now but no one to attend his funeral 

he perked his head up when the cell doors opened, he was given a single holding cell for two reasons, he was a highly dangerous prisoner and had been known to torture inmates on multiple occasions and was to be kept away from inflammable objects at all costs, another reason was because the entire prison had it out for him for what he did to the feather's faith hospital and wanted to finish off the job for chaos, who surprisingly had a positive reputation here 

"you have a visitor"

he raised a brow, confused, the only visitor he ever used to have was chaos and he highly doubted he would ever want to see his face again

"who is it?"

"you'll see for yourself"

the guard was cautious when escorting disarray to the visiting room, it was mostly empty, except maybe 2-3 prisoners at most

he didn't know what to expect from his sudden visit, but he sure as hell did not expect to see mysterion of all people, sitting in the visitor's chair with his arms crossed over his chest 

out of everyone disarray hated mysterion the most and the feeling was mutual, kenny never liked dougie once in his years of knowing him and neither did dougie but they both put up with each other for one reason, leo's happiness

when he started his new reign of terror across denver, he knew mysterion wanted nothing more than to bury him 6-feet under the ground but only held back because at the time leo didn't want to hurt him past necessary restraint, but all of that was off the table now, chaos held no more love or compassion for him anymore, he saw in his eyes, the only thing he held for him anymore was resentment and a longing to murder him

the officer sat him down on the metal seat across from the hero, and he took a step back away from the two, keeping a careful watch from the distance 

"why are you here?"

his gaze hardened on him

"i knew you were cruel, but this?!"

he shook his head, sporting a look of disgust

"why the fuck did you bomb a facility full of sick innocent children?!!"

"you already know why"

"i want to hear it from the horse's mouth!, you're going to tell me everything!, why did you do it!"

he grinned and shrugged his shoulders, he hardly saw the point in this conversation, but he had been bored in his little cell without having any inmates to torture, so why not entertain this?

"easy, I vowed to kill everything chaos ever held to his heart, in retalition for breaking mine"

he watched how his gloves and hands turned into shaking fists and felt the corner of his mouth twitch into an upward curve  

"you bomb a hospital all because he was honest and told you he didn't love you back!!"

he frowned, raising a brow at him

"is that what he told you?!, cause let me tell you something here right now mysterion there was a lot more to that fight than just that!!"

"i honestly couldn't fucking care less about what happened in that fight!!, nothing excuses bombing a childern's hospital!!"

"and that is where you are wrong"

he kicked back, grinning like a deranged mad-man 

"you see mysterion, chaos loved that hospital, he cared for all the children and workers, took time and energy out of his day to make help them however he could, it was one place he donated most of the money towards, he held that place so dearly to his heart, how he loved that hospital was very similar to how i loved and cherished him"

he then frowned and glared far-head

"but then when i told him this, he broke my heart, broke it to the point where it was beyond repair,he broke me so i vowed to break him in anyway i could! even if it meant murdering!"

he hardly flinched when mysterion slammed his fists down on the table, he stood up from his seat, towering over the general, his eyes as cold and sharp as an iron sword

"You!!--you dare to say that he hurt you?!!, after all the shit you did to him?!! even when you turned into this monster he refused to give up on you!!, he wanted to help you change and heal!!, he was willing to have the public hate him just to save your name from being dragged any further down the mud!! he was ready to give up everything for you!!"

he laughed

"aw yes, still that same naive little boy on the inside huh?, figures, i just wished i got to see the look on his face when he saw what I had done to the hospital!, truly my best work wasn't it?"

at that moment, whatever state of calmness mysterion had left in him was dead, in that moment all he saw was red, before he even was aware of his own actions he lunged himself at dougie and straddled him down against the table in a painfully tight chokehold, all while vaguely aware of the shocked gasps and screams coming around the room 


he lifted a fist and punched him square in his nose, he felt a sick sense of glee watching the blood pour out of his nose, finally after years of dreaming about beating up disarray, he got the chance to do it!

he shouted a few more profanities and landed a few more hits before he was forcefully pulled away from him, it took 4 officers to finally get him restrained down while two other's escorted dissarray back to his cell

he yelled at the officers to let go of him and kept shouting profanities at disarray while they escorted him back to his holding cell 


oh he heard him, and he would make sure that he and his partner would not live to see another day once he managed to break out of this prison once and for all

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