Mychaos: May I Have This Dance?

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in the city of denver, right across the local bank and the Sizzlers restaurant, there was a hidden underground pub called "The Secret Sip ", this place was exclusive only too the superheroes in the city of downtown Denver, it was one of the few safe spots where hero's around the city could come in, chat with other peers and have a few drinks, and every month, the pub hosted an event called "the moon-sparkle dance", hero's would come in formal dance attire with their superhero costumes and dance the night away with their dates or friends

mysterion has never been to any of these dances, he was a loner superhero and was not a dancer at all, but when he heard of the news of the monthly dance coming up, he decided to bite the bullet and finally ask out his long-time crush, professor chaos, out on a sort of "date", but in a platonic kind of way

it was in the middle of the night of the city, and thankfully for mysterion, it was a slow night, when things in the city were quiet during their nightly patrols, chaos would sometimes sit at random park benches or on rooftops to star gaze, mysterion would always take these little opportunities to chat with him, after doing a quick scan around the city to make sure everything was safe and sound, he started searching for his old rival, by now he knew all his hotspots, and tonight their were no clouds to be seen, meaning the stars would be visible, so chaos would be in two places, the hidden local the park "risverswood" that had a beautiful view of the "rivers" lake, or on high building rooftop, he had a special feeling it would be the park, so he ventured out to the hidden spot

the park itself was quite easy to find once you learned of its hidden location, Mysterion had accidentally stumbled upon this place while getting lost in the city and ended up finding chaos sitting in the middle of the wooden park bench, hand-feeding the birds and sierras with nuts and seeds, this was when they were slowly starting to get along before they had realized their secret identities, so it was a little awkward between the two hero's, for a moment neither of them  said anything to each other, but then Chas offered him his empty spot, he accepted his invitation and throughout the night they chatted for hours, and since then, during the slower nights in the city, he would occasionally stroll down the park and sometimes meet up with chaos or sit back and enjoy the view himself

he gently pushed the brushes aside, careful to not disturb the nature of the park, when he caught a glimpse of a cloaked figure hand-feeding a little squirrel in the pall of his hand, he smiled to himself, brushed off the leave from his uniform and walked up to the bench, gently tapping it on his back to left their man of his attention, he smiled and patted the empty spot next to him, he thanked him and took a seat, gently stroking the squirrel's head as he ran away back to whatever home it had

"decided to stalk me huh?"

He chuckled, resting his elbow on top of the wooden bench 

"it's hardly stalking when you come here all the time"

"h-huh, sure, though, it's not very heroic to just sneak up on someone"

"I'm just naturally a sneaky person"

He replied back in a snarky tone, which made chaos laugh, his laughter never failed to make his chest flutter

"so, anything new with you?"

he shrugged, trying to hide how nervous he was

"Nothing really, but, I actually wanted to ask you something"

he titled his head, up at him, raising his brow

"oh, and what would that be?"

he blushed, averting his gaze

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