02. Oƚԋҽɾʂ

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~ Am I a God at hand, saith the LORD, and not a God afar off? ~ Jeremiah 23:22

Keep in mind, you will see scenes and dialouges that weren't in movie since I'm using the original script to write this, not that big of a change but still noticeable.

And for the sake of the plot, movie, and my sanity, you guys (the reader, duh 🙄) will be named!


Nine woke up to the sound of metal clanking noisily above him, bearly blinking his eyes open and noticing the blades swaying above him through his dazed vision— he didn't even have a chance to evaluate where he was before a figure above him suddenly popped up with large pair of tailor scissors aiming for his face.

Letting out a startled shout, Nine's fight or flight response was triggered and he immediately grabbed onto the forearms that held the scissors, trying to push him away with his already weaked limbs as the assailant pushed back in surprise.

Though he quickly submitted, letting Nine shove him away as the tailor scissors went flying, landing blades first into the wooden floor whilst Nine scrambles off the bed he was on and collapsing to his knees.

"... It's all right," The man says, placing a comforting yet careful hand on Nine's back as he panted softly. "I'm going to hurt you." He held his arm as he helped him sit back on the bed, quickly letting go once he was settled.

Nine rubbed his head, still slightly dazed, no thanks to his earlier excitement. "Where am I?"

"With us." The man answered, turning around to fetch the fallen scissors, helping Nine get a good look at the number branded on his old cardigan.


Over a dark brown shirt, he wore a dirtied oversized grey cardigan that was folded up to his elbows, all of the buttons on it were gone aside from two just barely hanging on, most likely stitched back on more than once. Instead of pants, he had on lightly colored overalls, some pockets filled to the brim with random junk as a old tool belt hung from his waist— the old taped-up sneakers on his feet somehow completed the outfit.

Despite his shabby brown hair covering a majority of it, the leather eye covering on the left side of his face intrigued Nine, but he knew better than to dive nose first into someone's business on the first meeting.

"I never expected to see another one." Five commented as he turned around and snipped at the lone wire holding the fake skin of Nine's left shoulder together, seeming to do it quickly and not letting the newcomer think about a pair blades coming near his face and freaking out again. "There, that should hold."

Thanks to this, Nine realized two things; Fives' hands. Unlike Nine, Fives hands didn't fade from skin-like fiber to copper, instead, they looked more exposed when it came to the space between the skin and the copper— his fingers slightly sharper as they were connected to the same screws and worn out wood.

Perhaps he was focusing to much on the hands in order to ignore the fact he was without a shirt or his jacket, his second realization of the day. He started whipping his head left and right in order to find either of them, and Five caught in to his plight— quickly grabbing his dirtied shirt and jacket from his work table and passing it to him.

Nine nodded in silent thanks, pausing at the stiching where his shoulder was, the same place his previous injury was, it was mediocre at best, but he wasn't all that skilled in sewing either so he wasn't going to anything.

"If Two were here, he would've done a better job," Five walked away to hang the tailor scissors on a bent nail in the wooden wall as Nine pulled the shirt over his head, lightly touching the blades to stop them from swinging, avoiding Nine's eyes as he pulled a worried look. "I wonder where he's gone to..."

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