Peaches and Cream

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Namjoon stands underneath the waterfall shower head. The warm water cascades down his body, releasing the workday tension from his muscles. He should workout, he's been putting it off for days now because work was taking over his free time. Putting his health and family time on the back burner.

He feels bad, no, he hates it. More so now that he and Jungkook weren't seeing eye to eye. Causing unnecessary stress for all of you as the arguments weren't anything of significance.

Just this morning they argued about milk because apparently, he had brought home the wrong brand of oat milk. And Jungkook couldn't have it because it didn't mesh well with his smoothies. It left you in the middle like always, becoming the middle man or woman and separating them like children in a timeout. Until the two of them cooled down and gave each other half-heartedly apologies.

Though, this falling out seemed to only be affecting his and Jungkook's relationship. With you, everything was sunshine and rainbows. Sure, arguments did happen from time to time but they weren't as frequent.

It felt weird, saddening, because nothing was making sense. Seven years, that's how long it had been. Well, two with just him and Jungkook and five more with you. But still, it didn't feel right. The arguments that once felt forced became like second nature to them. He hates to think that maybe they just didn't love each other the way they used to. That they were slowly falling out of love and leaving you in the middle.

He hated that because you were so against being their girlfriend five years ago for this exact reason. Except you had always assumed that it would be them getting tired of you.

But Namjoon wasn't tired of you or Jungkook.

He meant it when he said that the three of you were equal parts of this triangle. He meant it when he said that he couldn't see a future without you or Jungkook by his side. He meant it when he promised to love you and Jungkook for all of eternity in front of your family, friends, and found family. But something was missing and it left him feeling doubtful. Forever stuck in his mind as he thought of things he shouldn't be thinking of. Like maybe he and Jungkook weren't the ends all be all like he once thought. That maybe they made a mistake along the way that sent their future spiraling out of control before they even experienced it.

Whatever it was, it was stressing Namjoon out. Proving you right because you were always the one to tell them that they worried too much. But Namjoon was worried, he was downright scared of losing Jungkook and you too, because if it wasn't them then it wasn't any of you. That's what they had promised you and breaking promises was something Namjoon could confidently say he never did.

Until now.

He was bringing work, stress, and worries into his family home when he said he wouldn't. Yet, he didn't know how not to. Things needed to get done. His beautiful marriage was possibly falling apart, and everything he had control of was slipping through the gaps in his fingers each day that passed. It was driving him up the wall.

"I didn't think anyone was home til' I heard Chopin coming from the bathroom." Your hands are cold against his stomach, counteracting the warmth of the water. He staggers slightly, opening his eyes in fright, and instantly relaxes into your arms. Your lips leave warm traces behind in their wake as you make your way across his broad shoulders. He feels so calm and at home and it sends a harsh tug through the pit of his stomach because when did he stop feeling this way with his husband.

He grins, though you can't see it, placing his hands on top of yours, mindlessly playing with your fresh manicured fingers. "Wasn't getting much done at the office so I left early." He traces over your wedding bands. Two, one for him and one for Jungkook, matching his own. It made him feel like shit because this morning after the argument he left one on top of the dresser. For what reason? He doesn't know all he knows is that he's petty and a child and wanted to cause more damage. Though he ended up hurting himself due to his immaturity.

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