"Ladies, ladies, ladies, let's not get too carried away" Nova interjected, her tone lighthearted yet firm. "Yes, Sante' is the best man, but he's already spoken for."

Laurie's response was swift, her curiosity piqued. "Taken by who?" she inquired, her tone tinged with disbelief.

Nova sighed inwardly, hoping to avoid any potential conflict before the ceremony. "Well, if you must know," she began, gesturing towards Solea, who had just finished touching up her makeup, "he's got his eye on her. Any objections?"

Laurie's gaze shifted towards Solea, taking in her radiant appearance. Solea met her gaze with a mix of embarrassment and amusement, her hand nervously running through her hair.

"Oh, girl, he's yours?" Laurie exclaimed, her surprise quickly turning to delight. "Well, that's wonderful news! At least he's with another gorgeous sister."

Solea exchanged a knowing glance with Nova, silently thanking her for handling the situation with grace. With a chuckle, she responded, "Well, it's not quite official... yet."

The bridal party erupted into laughter, their teasing and encouragement only adding to Solea's nerves. As the reality of the impending ceremony sank in, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of anticipation mingled with apprehension.

Laurie's playful teasing brought a chorus of laughter from the bridal party, their camaraderie filling the room with warmth.

Amidst the banter, Solea found herself chuckling, trying to ease the tension that had settled within her.

"No, no" she interjected between laughs, shaking her head, "it's not like that." She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before continuing,

"I've just had my eye on him since my brother introduced us last year. We've been getting to know each other, going on casual dates, and lately, I've noticed he's been more flirtatious. I guess I've just been working up the courage to tell him how I feel."

The response from the bridal party was a chorus of encouragement and understanding, with even Nova chiming in with a knowing smile. Solea couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and gratitude for their support.

Laurie's words resonated with her, urging her to seize the moment and express her feelings on this day of love. With a nervous nod, Solea acknowledged their encouragement, feeling a surge of determination to finally confront her feelings.

As she made her way down the hallway, her steps faltered with uncertainty, her heart pounding in her chest. She was about to turn back, overwhelmed by her nerves, when she heard her name echoing behind her.

"SOLEA!" The deep voice that called out to her was unmistakable, and she felt a rush of anticipation as she turned to face him.

There he stood, tall and reassuring, his arms open wide as he enveloped her in a warm embrace. In that moment, the weight of her worries melted away, replaced by a sense of calm and security that only he could provide.

Solea couldn't help but smile as she leaned into his embrace, grateful for the strength and comfort he offered with just a simple hug.

After a minute of just embracing eachother and Sante rubbing his hands down Solea's back to the top of her ass, they both pull away slowly and gaze at eachother.

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