Episode 13-3: The Second Eruption

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"Phew! I guess we're right on time! Let's give our guests a warm welcome!"

Those were the elite valkyries and knights dispatched by the Schicksal.

The unit was known as "Squad Snowwolf," and the team consisted of Siegfried Kaslana, Salome Jokanaan, Shub Niggurath, and Jugglus Juggler, who was disguised as the Sergeant Knight, Dominic Muller.

The redhead Valkyrie, named Shub Niggurath, had unparalleled strength, and she was feared as a fearsome warrior.

She was often written off as a casualty in the KIA list, but she always returned alive, boosting her reputation further. Some rumors stated that she was undefeated.

"Pfft! These beasts are just like a pig!"

Niggurath's smile was like a predator's grin as she tore into the Honkai beasts with her signature javelin.

The Valkyrie of the European, in her blue battlesuit, Salome Jokanaan, was known for her extraordinary lightning-speed reflexes, wizard aims, and insane dancing skills.

She had a formidable presence on the battlefield; if she set her mind to something, nothing could stop her.

Wielder of the Halo of Twelve, an assemblage of mono-molecular-edged blades controlled using a superconductive Elemental System.

It was an assemblage of mono-molecular-edged blades that could cut anything with precision.

With her skills and talents, she proved a formidable fighter, ready to confront any enemy that dared to face her.

"Stay focused, Niggurath. I can't watch your six forever."

Salome kept an eye on Niggurath as she slayed the Honkai beast, trying to ambush the redhead Valkyrie.

The redheaded Valkyrie was a great fighter, and she had strength, but Salome still paid attention to any Honkai Beast that could take advantage of her blind spot.

The Illusion Demon Knight, Dominic Muller, whose true identity was actually Jugglus Juggler, served as the Sergeant of the Squad Snowwolf in the past, and he was known for his proficiency with a sword.

He was a master swordsman who could take out his foes in the blink of an eye. He was also noted to be very quiet and sometimes snarky by the other people in Schicksal.

"Girls, stay sharp. Siegfried, mind your surroundings."

Last but not least was Siegfried Kaslana, the famous Knight in Schicksal. The father of Kiana Kaslana and the husband of Cecilia Schariac.

He relied on his gun-kata techniques, which meant his enemies had no chance. He had a good track record of battling Honkai Beasts and the strength to crush them.

Leon's face became brighter after he observed the Squad Snowwolf's fight against the horde of Honkai Beasts.

He was fascinated by their combat style. He raced ahead to get a front-row seat to witness the battle.

"Oh look, it's Uncle Siegfried. Eh, is that a young Captain Muller? Still haven't changed much, eh."

"These girls... I think I've seen them somewhere before."

Leon's voice was cheerful as he observed the fighting, and he recognized some of the people he knew or met, most notably Kiana's father.

He seemed to have seen the two valkyries before but couldn't quite place the faces.

Meanwhile, the Anti-Entropy squad overlooked the ongoing battle from the hill.

"Are these really the best that Schicksal can offer? While they try to dance with the Honkai horde, the Herrscher is probably busy sucking up all the Honkai juice she can get."

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