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Yea we won alright, but I wasn't prepared for the events following the win

The drop ship came to pick us up as we were headed back to headquarters.

Wraith and Wattson went first because, well ladies first, i still commend to chivalry

So did Dark.

I miss it in a sense

I went in as I felt fatigued from all the battles from the previous match

I was met with an instant crowd: the legends

They all commended me as apex champion, mainly because I won my first match back

Loba gave me side eye as I walked past her

I felt her gaze on me the entire time

Did it really get to her? Was i really that much of an annoyance? Or did she just miss me

That's when i felt it

My thoughts were spewing, then the malicious thoughts

Thoughts of torture on Valk for stealing what was mine.

My ever growing hate seeping into my facial expressions as some saw this and reacted

"Are you alright, lad?" asked fuse

"You don't look so good." said Octane

I told them I was fine as I headed back to my dorm.

I could tell they all wanted to talk to me, but i really wanted alone time. I sensed being followed, regardless

Wattson reminded me of the fact that the device on my wrist still summons my power even outside of the ring, so taking it off wouldn't have any affect since Dark isn't responsive

I keep it on just in case, plus it keeps my power balanced, as it should be

Which means i can still sense things normal humans can't, hence why i sense somebody still following me

I got to my dorm, however, but as I closed my door: "Don't"

"I need to talk to you"

Valkyrie refrained me from closing my door

"There's nothing to talk about", I responded

"I didn't mean for it to be like this, she needed someone to comfort her when you were in th-"

I forcefully shut the door without saying a word.

I didn't need this to throw me off course from healing

I was physically healed for the most part, but still mentally screwed

We eventually landed in Solace City, where headquarters was.

I was finally able to go back to my actual room, where i wanted to just eat and play some fifa.

I was prepared for the press as i was the news for the past day.

We did our champion stroll down the red carpet into headquarters, where i had questions ranging from how I managed to recover, to how I let Loba cheat on me.

That one did it

I stopped walking for a second and manually pin pointed the person who said it.

I stared them down, making extreme eye contact.

I walked up to the guy, grabbed him by the shirt, and whispered, "Come again?"

Wraith pulled me back to reality as I let my intrusive thoughts win this time.

Wattson looked surprised as she could've sworn she saw red in my eyes, which could only mean one thing

Dark is trying to make contact.

The Shadows that Embrace Us - (Loba x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now