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Yes, I'm alive.
That's all i could think as my eyes opened once again. This time though, Che is by my side. She seemed happy that i woke up....again
"Finally yuh up" is all she said for a good two minutes
As i began to wake up slowly but surely, she explained everything. It's been six months since that night i had decided to make my appearance at the living room, and 1 and a half years since the accident. Although i wouldn't call it an accident.
See I was the next best thing, quite literally. I won matches more than i could count, and had great things going for me socially. The legends had settled down with me, as i finally felt accepted. Mirage was my best friend, i was in good terms with Nox and Revenant(even though the mf killed my father), and we obviously know what happened between me and Loba, although it all went to hell when i was out for almost two years. I don't wanna mention her, after what i've seen that night. The story though, was that we had a match like any other day. I was the champion, as i had gone on a 4 game streak and was getting all the attention, in which i had so much support from my fellow legends. Wattson and Fuse were on my team, as we dropped into kings canyon to win yet another match. We had really good loot, height advantage, and lots of supplies to help us win. We got into some major fights however, as the ring moved us out of our advantageous height. I get shot a few times and think nothing much of it, but what catches my eye is blood. Lots of blood.
That's not supposed to happen
Dark seemed worried, as i got a few syringes to help, but to no avail as for some reason, they weren't healing me.
That's when it happened.
A kraber shot rang out and I went down
Hey, get up!
yea, i wasn't getting up.
according to Che, apart from the initial gunshots wounds in my abdomen, the kraber shot hit me directly on my upper chest.
It was so bad that even the revive syringes weren't working on me, which lured the attraction of the surrounding legends around us. They were coming, but not to fight. Che rushed to me trying to use doc to get me up, but nothing.
The match was abandoned
I was unresponsive as i was rushed to get treated
Wraith and Crypto started an investigation, with the help, of all people, Nox himself.
I was out like a light until that fateful night in the living room.
Shocking i survived?
Yea no I was dead
the symbiote kept me alive and still is
it's in a vegetative state apparently, as it used the energy it needed to keep me alive.
"We don know when dis will end, but it seems like it'll be like this for a long period of time"
Che ran some tests and found out literally all of that information in 2 months.
Not surprised, she does heal for a living
She then told me to wait there as I finally managed to sit up, feeling drowsy still.
The door started to open though, as it quickly caught my attention.
"Che? it's only been 30 seconds."
I didn't expect to see her of all people

A/N: lmk if u guys like this first person, or the classic third person like before. Can't wait to see what u guys think :)

The Shadows that Embrace Us - (Loba x Male Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ