Prologue: Meeting Beat

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The sounds of a guitar being played filled the confined space of the classroom… and that's just what it was, sound.

The person playing the guitar was obviously a beginner. Each time the person playing strummed the strings of the guitar made a different sound, due to the different keys being pressed, but none of it even seemed to have even a noticeable resemblance to the keys played before it. The person was just pressing keys and strumming.

Seeming to get the "hang" of it, the person brought their pick to the first string and slowly brought it down, which, compared to earlier, was much better. Then slowly the person began to ramp up their playing, which soon began to resemble some kind of song.

Even though the person was no longer pressing keys at random, the playing still seemed off, even to the untrained ear.

Though, by the sounds of it, he was a beginner, but he wasn't horrid at it by any means, he knew the basics of playing the guitar. Even if most people would have passed by after a second or two of watching, one person seemed transfixed on the person's playing, as two aqua eyes watched them play.

Those eyes belonged to a girl with short pink hair. She had cracked open the door slightly to get a peak when she first heard the noise of the guitar, but without even realizing it, she became transfixed on the person playing.

She was transfixed on a boy, who had his back towards her. The (H/c) hair and hairstyle immediately gave away the identity of the person playing… sort of. The girl knew that the boy was in her class, but had no idea who he was, but given the fact it was only the third day of middle school for the girl, could you really blame her?

As the girl watched the (h/c) boy play his guitar she felt several emotions build up inside of her. Envy, curiosity, even admiration at the boy's skills". She knew the playing wasn't very good of course, but considering she barely understood the basics in the beginners booklet she had been reading for the past few days, she really couldn't say anything about the boy's skill. Maybe… maybe she could ask him for help?

Wait a second…

The girl suddenly brought her head into the door in front of her, clutching her eyes shut. She couldn't just ask him for help! She could just imagine the condescending look she would get!

"You're so desperate you're going to another beginner for help? Pathetic…"

How could she possibly do something so… so-

"Hello? Do you need something?

The girl froze as she opened her eyes and looked back into the room, her aqua eyes meeting the boy's (e/c) pair. He looked at her confused, he didn't know why the girl was looking at him, but as he got up from his seat, setting his guitar down in his case, the girl let out a scratch of pure terror and ran.

The boy flinched at the noise as he slid open the door to the lone classroom he was in and looked into the direction the girl had run off to, just barely seeing a pink blob slip. Then she dropped and a loud thump was heard as her head made contact with the floor.

The boy's eyes widened as he broke out into a run also, chasing after the, probably injured girl. Slowing down once he reached her,, he looked down to see the girl laying on the ground, face first, unmoving.

"Oh my god, are you okay?!"

The girl only turned her head towards the boy, now with a big bruise on her forehead. Meeting the concerned look in his eyes, her eyes immediately went from dazed to distressed as she immediately backed into the wall.

Oh my god, he followed me! W-What do I do?! He probably thinks I'm some kind of weirdo stalker… Well he's not wrong.b-but-


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