Chatper Three: Find Your Voice

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It had been about a year since Hitori had started to play the Guitar, and she and (Y/n) had both improved tremendously. They had learned to play a few songs together. 

Though Hitori noticed that she had really begun to skyrocket a few months ago. Now the pair were quite good at playing and about on the same field.

But Hitori was surpassing him in some ways, which (Y/n) would praise often, something which she enjoyed… a lot… probably a bit too much, but she didn't care, the praise made her feel good dammit!

Hell, that praise is what made her start uploading YouTube cover videos, she had grown a slight following, and even had fans she saw comment on each video, which made her smile.

He even encouraged her to express herself more with her hair, which led to her starting to grow it out, which she liked much better than her old short Bob haircut.

Despite all of the progress she had made with (Y/n), her social skills… didn't. She still couldn't talk to many people, but she was pretty comfortable around (Y/n), often enjoying the time they spent hanging out or practicing guitar.

And that led to now, Hitori standing at the front door to (Y/n)'s house, shaking. She had never been to a friend's house before. Now that she was here, wanting to ask to hangout and practice with him herself, she was freaking out. Her fist was just centimeters from the door as it shook uncontrollably. Despite being friends with him for so long, she was still nervous when doing things like this…

Despite that, her shaking was what seemed to do her in. As her fist hit the door, hard enough for it to make a noise. All her shaking suddenly stopped as she watched the door, frozen in place by her fear.

She could hear someone's footsteps coming from inside the house, her singular knock seemed to have been heard. Each footstep felt like the stomp of a mighty beast, who would burst through the door and gobble her up in an instant.

The door slowly began to open as Hitori's breathing quickened. Her pupils began to dilate. Her heart began to go off the rails as if she had just chugged five energy drinks to pull an all nighter to practice on her guitar skills, but this felt so much worse than that.

As the door fully opened, revealing a woman with long (h/c) hair, which was tied up in a bun. Hitori assumed was in her early thirties, who was wearing white medical scrubs, a nurse. Dark bags had formed under her eye. The beautiful face of a young woman distorted by the look of tiredness on her face. She looked ages older than what she really was.

Taking a huff of the cigarette that was in between two of her fingers and blowing the smoke towards the young middle schooler, which nearly caused her to cough as she inhaled some of the second hand smoke. The woman gave her a harsh glare, which put the socially anxious teenager in a state of complete fear.

"What the hell do you want?"

"I-I was w-w-wondering…"

Hitori stuttered, trying to form words, but she was so scared and nervous that she was unable to form a complete sentence. She just became a stuttering mess

"Hurry up and spit it out."

The woman seemed to be getting more and more displeased by the second her glare becoming harsher which just made Hitori even more nervous.

"I-I just w-want to… to-"


Her attention was drawn to the voice behind the woman as (Y/n) ran up to the door, smiling at her, though a slightly worried look in his eyes was present along with it.

"You know this girl, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah, she's my friend!"

"And you told her our address?"

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