2. Seeking Help.

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Seeking help from the professionals.

If songs were affirmations, Nathan would repeat them as long as he could. Instead, he chose to auto-replay.

🎶I know you're waiting, I'll run hastily to you…

In my Panamera, Hola, hola, hola.

I'm levitating, I feel ecstasy when you…

whisper nakupenda

Wetin you put for this your jollof

You’ve gat my heart and soul on lock.

And I wanna go crazy with you...

Through the night till the Sun come up.

Let's do it all, do it all for love….




The faster hand reached out to bring down the volume of the song which was sung more by the singles. The ones who don’t go into deep thoughts to think about how they can run hastily to their lovers. After messing up and knowing fully well they fucked up. Big time.

This, Nathan was unconsciously doing, thinking of everything Elizabeth shared with him.

Maybe he was just chasing after a fairy tale. And he needed to move on like he had been advised. An advice coming from someone who never had a stable relationship too.

Common…. He set his brain right. Not even at this age would he do that to himself. So, he was sure of what he was doing. He was sure of what he wanted. Deep down, he expected the worst anyone could get from trying is, no.

But he would regret not even trying.

Nathan’s dark eyes turned slowly when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He pulled himself out of his thoughts and stared at the one who almost had his face and could be mistaken for him if not for small differences. He was kind enough to be his driver and confidant for the day. Trying not to frown and immediately dropped his eyes on the caller that appeared on his phone.

“It's Jamal. Wanna pick?”

Nathan’s brows came together. Still, he kept his mouth closed but slowly shook his head towards his younger brother. A sign that he didn’t want to be disturbed. Not even by his closest friend.

What other advice is he going to give him this time?

When the phone started to ring for the second time, Nathan grabbed it from his brother, swiping the green button. Putting the call on speaker.

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