Chapter 16 - Retaliation

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The powerful voice of the Jolteon pierced the air as though it were a lightning strike, and just like a storm, it wasn't long until the roar of thunder followed. Just moments before, Ash was currently staring eye to eye across a large dirt field with some Inteleon, a Pokémon who claimed to be one of the best fighters on the field team of the Moonshine guards.

There was already a huge cloud of dust on the field as Ash kicked forward like a rocket, easily clearing half the field in only a leap or two. The Flareon had a wild, battle-hungry grin on his face, fangs glimmering in the sunlight as he practically cackled with glee.

"If you're such a great fighter, then prove it right here and now, Mark!"

The Inteleon, supposedly named Mark, just stood his ground, a casual smirk on his face as he merely outstretched one of his long, slender arms, holding his palm out in front of him like he was waiting to catch a ball thrown at him. He was completely unfazed by Ash leading with a head on assault from all the way across the field.

The distance was already nearly closed. It was right then, when Ash was mere meters away from the Inteleon, that Mark's palm began to emit a gentle blue glow, quickly bringing to life a raging typhoon in his hand. The water spout quickly wrapped around itself into spherical shape, which only lasted until the water blob was launched forward with incredible speed, shaping into more of a disc. It was an incredibly high-end water pulse technique.

Ash, who had been anticipating an attack of some kind, was not prepared for a projectile of such speed. Most water attacks were sluggish and easy to avoid, making up for their lack of distance coverage with their wide area of effect and heavy damage. Ash dug his paws into the soft dirt of the field, slowing down his momentum just enough so that he could throw himself to the side without completely falling over. The disc still grazed him, causing him to recoil slightly as he received what felt like a smack in the cheek.

Before Ash could regain his bearings, he looked up to see that Mark had closed what little distance remained, arm raised high above his head, covered in a shimmering, dense aquatic coating, as though it were a blade of water. In a swift motion, the Inteleon brought down his liquidation attack, aiming directly for the top of Ash's head.

Ash didn't have enough time to run, and a move that strong would likely leave him in too poor of a condition to stand a chance for the rest of the match. He needed to block it somehow, but he didn't have any options to block something like that, all he could do was try and deflect it.

In an act of desperation, Ash stuck his paws out in front of him, reaching to grab the liquidation with his paws, convincing every muscle in his body to try and push the attack to the side. With Ash's remaining momentum and a bit of the aquatic blade cutting into his paws, he managed to throw off the Inteleon's aim just enough to give him some breathing room.

Ash quickly leaped backwards, creating space between the two Pokémon, his breath already labored. Mark simply laughed, the blue aura melting off his arm and seeping magically into the ground, as if it never existed.

"Tired already? It's barely even been a full minute and you're already exhausted from two attacks. Aren't you the Ash that everyone talks about? The Flareon who wants to be one of the greatest fighters out there?~"

Ash didn't let Mark's venomous jabs break his mental fortitude, responding with the same toothy grin he bore at the beginning during his opening charge.

"Can it, lizard lips, speak with your paws, not your jaw!"

With his battle cry, Ash broke into another sprint. All the noise was beginning to attract a real crowd now, a few mons that were going about their day beginning to grow interested in all the yelling.

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