Chapter 11

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Hi guys! At this rate, this story can either be LaLu or NaLu, and I wanted to know what you guys want, so vote down below!



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Recently:"You can be with Salamander just like you wanted!" He shouted the last part, his words stabbing me straight through my heart. I choked out my answer as he walked away. I collapsed in a fit of sobs.

Laxus' POV

I stalked away, anger still slinking within me. I thought about what I had said, wondering if it was alright to just let her go; especially to Salamander. I knew a part of me still wanted to be with her-her golden blonde hair, her mesmerizing chocolate brown orbs, and most of all, her brilliant smile that seemed to be able light up any room, no matter how dark. But the rest of him was so angry, blinded with fury, he couldn't forgive her. She had cheated on him, with the exact person who had broken and smashed her heart without any care of how she would end up. That was what hurt him the most- that she could still trust, and love, the salmon-haired mage. He was seething with hate and betrayal, yet underneath all the negative emotions, he still felt love.

For her.

Her golden hair that seemed to flow with the wind and smell like vanilla and strawberries.

Her curvaceous body that fit perfectly against his, like the last puzzle piece finally found and placed in its right place, completing the puzzle to reveal the most beautiful scene.

Her soft, luscious lips that sent him shivers at even the slightest touch, leaving him wanting more.

Her dazzling, brown eyes that radiated warmth and kindness, eradicating all traces of negative feelings.

Her smile, always genuine and heartfelt.

He couldn't help but grieve for her missing presence. His heart ached for her love, even though he knew it had never belonged to him in the first place. He wanted her, needed her. But she would never want or need him. She was his everything, but he would never be her everything. He knew she could never return his feelings, yet he couldn't help but keep going after her, lusting after her love and warmth.

Soon, the anger faded away, and I felt so foolish for letting someone so precious to me go. It was my fault it had ended this way. I pushed her away. I left her knowing she would be all alone, even with Natsu. I yelled at her.

I had no one to blame.

It was my fault- and only mine.

And yet, I can't stop loving her.
Lucy's POV

I sat in the chair next to Natsu's bed in the infirmary. I held his hand while I cried. Cried for him, me, and most of all, Laxus. My tears fell on to his hand then on to the bed. My heart clenched at the thought of Laxus turning his back on me. I could feel the empty void he had made from one simple act. It felt like I was about to fall in and no one could save me, even Natsu. I knew I loved Natsu, and I still do. But one thing didn't seem to add up- my feelings for Laxus.

It couldn't be love. It just couldn't.

Horrible ending! Ugh I hate it 😞😒 This chapter is just a filler and explains what Laxus and Lucy are feeling, very boring.

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