𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐭 | 𝟏𝟕

Start from the beginning

"You two are so bloody stupid!" She utters smacking Enzo gently as she chides him, "Getting into a fight in the middle of the hallway?"

He averts eye contact with me when I turn to him questioningly so instead I turn to Daphne, "Him and who?" I demand.

Enzo turns to give Daphne a look, "Daph no." He says with a serious expression but she ignores him and turns to me.

"Theo and Enzo got into a bloody fist fight this morning!" She explained with a frown at Enzo, "If I hadn't seen and stopped it they would've torn each others heads off!"

My eyes widen in disbelief as Daphne reveals the shocking news. Theo and Enzo, of all people, getting into a fistfight? It's almost inconceivable.

Mattheo and Theo? The two never knew when to stop pushing each other: Theo and Draco? The two had too much pride to not fight. Even Blaise and Theo from time to time got into it.

But Enzo and Theo was out of left field, completely.

I turn my attention back to Enzo, who looks increasingly uncomfortable. "Theo? You and Theo fought?"

Enzo nods, his gaze now fixed on the floor. "Yeah," he admits reluctantly.

My mind races with questions, trying to make sense of this unexpected turn of events. "But why? What could possibly have led to this?"

Daphne shakes her head, looking exasperated. "It was about something trivial, really. Some silly disagreement that spiraled out of control. Boys and their pride."

Despite her words, I have a sinking feeling it had something to do with the party yesterday.

Theo and his jealousy.

Glancing at Enzo, the guilty expression is written all over his face and that's all it takes to confirm my thoughts.

"I'm going to beat the bloody hell out of him." I mutter, trying to push past Enzo in a fit of frustration and annoyance.

Enzo quickly grabs me, firmly holding me in place, "No Evie, that'll just make things worse." He says with a shake of his head.

I grit my teeth together. I told Theo there was nothing going on between us so Merlin knows why he went and attacked our friend.

"I can't believe him." I mutter shaking my head in annoyance and disappointment, "Bloody idiot, immature twat."

Daphne sighs, turning Enzo's face toward hers in order to better evaluate his injuries, "If it makes you feel better Evie, Enzo gave as good as he got."

Enzo gives me a sheepish grin and shrugs to which makes me give a strained chuckle.

"I-..I," I struggle to find my words while I watch Daphne cast healing charms on our battered friend, "did you see where he went?"

They both shared a quick look, clearly hesitant about whether or not to disclose his location in fear of me going on a rampage.

"I just want to check up on him," I defend honestly, there's another pause before Enzo finally let up with a small sigh, "Astronomy tower."

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