Day 2: Candy Gore

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   The group of 5 laughed as they arrived at Jacobs house with their filled bags of candy. "Oh my god Brian is that shit on your pillowcase?" Alex asked while pointing to his sweet stuffed bag. Brian replied "Its chocolate, obviously." "Is it chocolate or did you forget the toilet paper?" said Alex. "It's chocolate." Brian replied before taking his index finger and smudging the piece of chocolate onto it, and licking it. The group of boys laughed and shouted in disgust. "Oh my god Brian you just ate shit!!" yelped Dylan. They all laughed. They laughed, and wheezed, and chuckled, and snorted. Brian didn't understand what was so funny, but he knew he was the butt of the joke.

   They sat down on the carpeted floor, and spread their candy out. The boys joked and giggled while Brian was silent. The doorbell rang, and Jacob sprinted to the door. The smell of pizza entered, and filled the home. Everyone ran to get a piece. Except Brian. He didn't care for pizza. He simply sat around the candy pile

   When the group was done eating their food food, they dug into their sweets. Before they left, they had decided to go to Mr Johnson's house first, as he was extremely wealthy, and bound to have full size candy bars. They were right, of course. Alex took out the jumbo Snickers that he got, and took a bite. Brian watched closely as he chewed. He took another  bite, but immediately dropped the rest of the bar in hand. He cupped his mouth and gagged. Ryan asked him what was wrong, the boys grew concerned. Alex just looked at them, still holding his face. "Alex, what the hell happened??" Ryan shouted. Alex removed his hand from covering his face to show them. He was trembling, and thick, red liquid was spilling from his lips. He opened his mouth, and was pooled with blood.

   Alex ended up having to go to the hospital, and turns out someone put a blade in his candy. All of the boys checked their candy after the incident, and Dylan, Ryan, and Jacob also had a blade in their full sized candy bars. Alex's family sued Mr, Johnson for $1,000, and won the case. It's lucky they knew for certain who gave them these delicious traps.

   When they went back to Jacobs house and checked their candy, Ryan recalled seeing Brian watch closely as they pulled apart their king sizes, each finding a razor blade. He thought he noticed Brain mutter.
"Maybe next year."

   But it was probably in his head.



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