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Dale is standing watch on top of his RV, watching over the perimeter of the camp.

Meanwhile, Amy dumps mushrooms from a bucket into a bowl held by Lori, who is sitting at a fire pit. "How do we tell if they're poisonous?" Amy asks.

"There's only one way to find out," Lori replies, inspecting a mushroom.

"Ask Shane when he gets back?" Amy tilts her head.

"Yeah." Lori nods before excusing herself to go into the forest.

Dale yells to Lori, "If you see anything, holler! I'll come running."

"Yes, dad." Lori rolls her eyes and wanders off.

A couple of hours later, Artemis is helping Jim and Dale work on the RV.

"That hose doesn't seem to last long, does it?" Artemis inquires.

"No, sir." Jim chuckles.

"Where the hell are we going to find a replacement?" Dale looks between the two.

In the background, Amy is pacing back and forth. "It's late. They should've been back by now."

"Worrying won't make it any better." Dale says, earning a slight glare from Amy.

Jim hands Dale a tool, as Artemis watches. Suddenly, the radio goes off.

"Hello, base camp! Can anybody out there hear me?" A staticy voice calls out. "Base camp, this is T-Dog. Can anybody hear me?"

Dale runs over to the radio. "Hello? Hello? Receptions are bad on this end."

The radio gets moved on top of the RV for some reason.

"Repeat, repeat!"

"Shane, is that you?" T-Dog questions. It was obvious their reception was bad as well.

"Is that them?" Lori inquires. Artemis stands next to her.

"Sounds like they're stuck." Artemis speaks up.

"We’re in deep shit. We’re trapped in the department store." T-Dog says.

"He say they're trapped?" Shane questions.

"There are geeks all over the place. Hundreds of ‘em. We’re surrounded." T-Dog's voice glitches, thunder is heard in the background.

"T-Dog, repeat that last! Repeat!"

"He said the department store." Lori looks at Artemis.

"Yeah, I heard that too." He frowns slightly.

"Shane?" Lori looks to Shane, as if asking him to go help.

"No way.  We do not go after them. We do not risk the rest of the group. Y’all know that." Shane says, causing Amy to get mad.

"So we're just gonna leave her there?" Amy refers to her sister, Andrea.

"Look, Amy, I know this isn't easy-" Shane tries to argue back.

"She volunteered to go and help the rest of us!"

"Yeah, and she knew the risks. See, if she's trapped, there ain't nothing we can do about it. There's nothing we can do." Shane shrugs.

"She's my sister you son of a bitch!"

Amy runs off, leaving Lori to glare at Shane. Lori then goes off after Amy, Artemis standing there in slight shock.

"You fucked up mate." Artemis walks off, leaving Shane in a stunned silence.

The day was quiet after that, at least for a couple of hours.


This one's a bit longer! Sorry for not updating, I haven't had a chance:( But I'm on fall break rn so I had the time to finally get this out!

Hope yall enjoy:)

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