The Dreaded Meeting- 8

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Once the elevator hits the 20th floor we both get out, still laughing, I give Marc a hug and watch him go back to his office and I decide to go to the restroom to freshen up before the meeting.

I brush my teeth (Luckily, I always keep a travel toothbrush kit in my purse. Come on, who wants dragon breath, am I right?), I touch up my red lipstick and brush out my hair. I look in the mirror and start talking to myself "You got this! I am an Intelligent, beautiful, Curvatious, Independent Woman hear me roar- ROOOAR!" I say this out loud while looking in the mirror giggling at myself, because Yes... I really roared out loud in the bathroom at work.. Or should I say my flimsy attempt of a roar, but I thought it was pretty funny.

Not realizing that Olivia is right behind me, I hear Olivia's menacing laugh. My face turns bright red when I turn around to see Olivia. "Shit.." I whisper. "I didn't mean to say that out loud," I sigh.

Olivia just looks at me with this look of utter disgust and disdain. She walked up to the sink to wash her hands with this condescending, smug look as she stands next to me.

Olivia looked at me through the mirror, but the look she had was evil and she was giddy, "See you in the conference room Elena". Olivia says in a condescending manner. How she said that makes me think that she knows something I don't. I try to kick those thoughts out of my head. This is just Olivia being her malicious self ... Right? I question myself.

Embarrassed and a little irritated I leave the bathroom, to go drop off my purse at my desk. As I am about to enter the Conference room, I stop to smooth out my pencil skirt, take a deep breath and walk in with 3 minutes to spare. I walk in and take a seat to the right of where I know Mr. Hines normally sits during these meetings.

Mr. Hart and Mr. Hines walk in with Ester and Olivia, right as I sit down. Olivia, fawning and draped over Jaxon like some hoochie groupie. This Bitch... Is she seriously flirting with Jaxon Hart when she is in a relationship with Marc? What is this girl playing at? I know Mr. Hines knows about the relationship between Marc and her. I wonder if he will pull her aside and speak to her about how disrespectful her behavior to Marc and her unprofessionalism toward Jaxon? Do I tell Marc what I witnessed? Would he even believe me? Maybe I am overreacting? I look up again to find Olivia is going on and on about her trip to Paris last month. She is touching his arm and trying to rub herself on him. Olivia throwing herself at Jaxon is annoying me a little and I know it shouldn't. The million-dollar question is why? Is it because of Marc and how hurt he would be if he saw this, or is it because of this weird infatuation with Jaxon?

As I keep watching Olivia flirting her ass off, I'm actually getting a little embarrassed for her, since I notice that Jaxon doesn't seem to be paying attention and looks more annoyed than anything.

Jaxon's eyes find mine and I immediately look down at my hands not wanting to make eye contact.

I hear Olivia ask Jaxon to sit next to her so he can review the paperwork they discussed earlier this week, regarding this meeting. I look up with concern in my eyes. Maybe Olivia knows I am getting fired, that's why she's been so smug. Shit.. or Maybe she has a reason for being so flirty to Jaxon? She is his type.

"That won't be necessary Ms. Robinson, I have reconsidered after speaking with Charles this morning. A revised offer was drawn up by Charles and I earlier today." Jaxon informed Olivia.

When I look up, I see Olivia look at me with so much anger and contempt? When I look at her and Jaxon perplexed, trying to figure out what the heck is going on.

  "Mr.Hart, I think I should look over the offer befo... "Olivia is cut off by Jaxon as he continues to keep his eyes on me.

"Ms. Robinson, I do not like repeating myself. As I had just informed you, That won't be necessary! I already had my attorney review everything. Your input is not needed," Jaxon says curtly. Olivia looks shocked, she blinks and composes herself as she puts on her sweet face façade. She then takes her seat across from me.

I try to relax and not let my anxiety take over, but I have to say it's truly difficult for me to settle my nerves after all that. I look down and close my eyes and take long deep breaths, hoping no one notices I am losing my ever-loving mind right now.

I feel the chair next to me move as I look up, I see Jaxon Hart sitting next to me, not Mr. Hines. My heart starts to pound in my chest and the smell of his cologne hits me like a wrecking ball. His scent is so intoxicating, he smells like citrus and cinnamon. Why did it suddenly get hot in here, I feel like the heater is on in this room. I know my face is most likely the same color as my lipstick..

Jaxon is sitting next to me giving me his panty dropping smile that makes my stomach do summersaults. I turn my head to face the now closed conference room door. I need to move my focus off Jaxon and his orgasmic smelling cologne. If not I am going to attack his lips, while I straddle his lap, so I can feel what his hard cock feels like through his pants..... what the ever-loving fuck is happening to me... Am I really thinking about jumping on the New CEOs lap to dry hump him like a dog in heat! I'm losing it.

I quickly look over at Mr. Hines who is looking at Jaxon and then back at me with a knowing smirk. Oh God... Does he know I am having these very naughty thoughts about Jaxon Hart? Am I that transparent? Shit, pull it together Elena!!

I sit up tall and place a smile on my face. I push aside these crazy thoughts and put my game face on. Now if my body would get with the program and stop acting like a hormonally challenged teenage girl, that would be great!

Just as I am pulling myself together and think I can do this, Jaxon leans in towards me to what I assume is to grab one of the note pads or water that set up in front of us.

As he grabs a cup and pours some water, he is leaning over the table right in front of me. The heat from his body and his intoxicating scent mixed with his body making a brief contact with my chest had me letting out a slight gasp. Great... now my girls are awake and I have no control over the way my nipples tightened under my lacey restraints. Maybe this blouse was not the best choice today.

I caught him looking at my breasts and then watched his lips curl up ever so slightly. I just couldn't restrain the damp heat that rushed to that sacred place between my thighs. This is the effect that Jaxon Hart has on my body. I lose total and utter control just from the slightest touch or smile.

He gets the cup of water and places it in frontof me and whispers by my ear as I feel his warm breath when he says, "you looka little flushed Ms. Santos, I thought you might need some cold water to helpwith that". I close my eyes ever so briefly, I sit there speechless, with my mouthslightly open. As I try to get my breathing in control, I am sure about as redas a Fucking tomato. I am mortified and to be honest little turned on..

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