The Offer- 9

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As I sit there, thighs clenched and fighting off my desire to ride this man's cock right here in his chair while everyone watches.. Still not making eye contact with Jaxon, I sit and stare at the water and I know I have to put my game face on and pretend this did not affect me.. I blink a few times and turn to Jaxon, because at this point what do I have to lose. Game On, Fucker..

"Thank you Mr. Hart, but if I need water, I am more than capable of getting it myself" I say with a sweet smile and in a condescending manner.

I hear Olivia and Ester giggle and Mr. Hines Chuckle, that instantly turns into a cough to cover up his amusement. When I look up at Mr. Hines, he doesn't try to hide the smile plastered on his face.

While Jaxon looks amused with my response, he doesn't reply. We just continue getting lost in each other's eyes. It feels like no one else is in the room, just Jaxon and I. I have this undeniable want to reach out and touch him, taste him..

Mr. Hines clears his throat, " Why don't we get started, Olivia and Ester, there is no need for you to stay for this meeting. I will call you both once we are ready for the next meeting." "Also Olivia, I need to have a word with you before you leave today." Mr. Hines says sternly.

Ester gets up to leave, " Thank you Mr. Hines" she says sweetly as she hurries out the door. Olivia on the other hand looks irritated and glances over at Jaxon and then at me. Olivia walks out of the office in a huff with her lips pursed in a tight line then shuts the door angerly behind her.

Once Ester and Olivia leave the room, I hear Mr. Hines. "Now Elena as you know I will be retiring, and this week is my last week with the company. I have already discussed my wishes with Jaxon regarding you staying on with the company. I feel you would be a great asset to Jaxon. Especially now, since his current personal assistant has just started her maternity leave. So, for now you will continue on as Jaxon's personal assistant once he officially takes over next week." Mr. Hines happily informs me with a smile on his face. I just sit there, smiling back at him, because that is all I can do since I am still in shock over the series of events that just occurred.

I start to panic a little, I am not sure I can accept this position. Plus, I didn't miss the fact that Mr. Hines said that "For Now" I would be Mr. Harts personal assistant. What happens when his personal assistant comes back from maternity leave? Will I be out of a job or will he put me in a different department. I need to get some clarification on this before I decide.

I also start thinking about everything that has transpired today and my brain goes into overdrive. I glance over at Jaxon, I see him sitting there leaning back in the chair with a smile, observing me like I'm some kind of science experiment.

"Do you have any questions or concerns my Dear? " Mr. Hines kindly asks me.

" I would like to know what happens to me, once Mr. Harts Personal Assistant comes back from maternity leave?" I pose the question to both, as I make sure to look at both men sitting at the table with me.

Mr. Hart responds promptly " I am unsure if Miranda will return back to work. If by chance she does decide to return, she has let me know that she will only be able to work part time. You will continue on as my Personal Assistant along with Miranda. "

I quickly look at Mr. Hines with a befuddled look on my face and Jaxon must have picked up on how conflicted I am with all of this.

Jaxon immediately sits up, no longer wearing that beautiful smile, he's all business now. I turned to look at him, and our eyes lock in.

" Ms. Santos, your new compensation package with Hart Enterprise will consist of the following. You will receive a 25% increase in wages effective immediately. This offer will also include a 15% increase on your annual work anniversary, company cell phone, Company credit card and company car. Charles has expressed to me that you have been an asset to him as well as the company and that your work ethic is impeccable... I am looking forward to working closely with you, Ms. Santos." He says in an authoritative Alpha male tone that opens the flood gates in my honey pot. Shit! I am in so much trouble.

As I sit there speechless, having this internal fight within myself. I know this is not a good idea because I have this lustful infatuation on the CEO. Not to mention that I really don't want to look as pathetic as Olivia, When she was swooning over Jaxon like a desperate prostitute.

But in all seriousness, who can turn down these incentives? Especially the 25% increase. I will be able to pay my debt off sooner and save some money, maybe even take a vacation.

As I sit here mulling all the pros and cons in my head, Mr. Hines gets up and walks next to me. He puts his hand on my shoulder, and I look up at him warmly, "Here is the new employee contract explaining your new responsibilities and new pay increase as well as all the other perks Jaxon just mentioned."

Mr. Hines looked at me lovingly with his fatherly eyes, as he continues to explain in his very comforting way. " I would never steer you wrong sweetheart and I do feel that this is a great opportunity for you."

I smile back and I take a minute to find my words, and nod in agreement. I agree even though I feel this is going to be a disaster due to my crazy attraction to my new boss. Luckily my medical should still cover my therapy sessions, because I am going to have to double up on my sessions.

I finally decide to sign the new contract. Once I finish signing my new offer letter I see Jaxon stand up. As he moves toward me, he buttons up his jacket and holds out his hand to me. It takes me a minute to react, but I end up standing up, not so graciously as I had hoped to, mind you. Then as I am smoothing out my skirt, turn to him, smile and shake his hand. "Thank you Mr. Hart, I am looking forward to working with you." I say appreciatively.

Mr. Hines turns to me and gives me one of his famous bear hugs I so love. I stay in his arms for a little while longer than I know I should have. I can't help it, his hugs are so comforting, and it is just what I needed after my day today. I break away from the hug to look up at him and say thank you.

As I try to hold back tears, because I am truly going to miss this man that I love like a father. A few tears escaped and I tried to wipe them away quickly and discreetly. I stand straight and say "thank you again to both of you "and head back to my desk still in utter shock.  

Elena UnleashedWhere stories live. Discover now