Chapter 35

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Sorry for disappearing for so long. Unfortunately, updates will be pretty slow but I'm doing what I can for you guys. :)


It had been a few weeks since Marinette and Felix had started dating, and their relationship had blossomed into something beautiful and meaningful. They had shared countless moments together, strengthening their bond and deepening their connection with each passing day. They decided, for now, that they wouldn't tell anyone else (besides their friendship group and parents) about their relationship just yet.

Sitting together in Marinette's room, Felix could sense the weight of something on Marinette's mind. He gently squeezed her hand, silently reassuring her that he was there for her no matter what. "Is everything okay, Marinette?" he asked softly, his voice filled with concern.

"Are you alright? You have been staring at nothing in particular for a while," he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.

Marinette's shoulders slumped downward as she let out a soft sigh.

"Felix," Marinette began softly, her voice trembling slightly with emotion, "I... I think it's time I told Allan, Claude, and Allegra about what I went through at Dupont."

Felix's brows rose in surprise. "Are you sure? I know how hard it is for you to bring that topic up,"

Marinette took a shaky breath, the memories of her torment at Dupont flooding back to her. The bullying, the isolation, the constant fear and anxiety—it had taken a toll on her, leaving scars that ran deeper than anyone could see.

But she knew she couldn't keep hiding the truth from her friends, especially not from those who cared for her as deeply as Allan, Claude, and Allegra did. They deserved to know what she had endured, and she deserved to be surrounded by their love and support as she faced her demons.

"I'm so tired of keeping this hidden," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want them to know the truth, to understand what I went through."

Felix nodded in understanding, He brought the back of her hand to his lips, leaving a lingering kiss. "I'll be right here with you, Marinette," he reassured her. "You don't have to face this alone."

Marinette gave Felix a small smile and leaned on his shoulder. With Felix's support, Marinette found more courage to face her friends and share her truth.

Later that afternoon, Marinette gathered Allan, Claude, and Allegra together in their communal area. She took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest, as she prepared to open up to them about the painful experiences she had endured.

"Guys," she began, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside her. "There's something I need to tell you. Something that I've kept hidden for a while."

Allan, Claude, and Allegra exchanged concerned glances, sensing the seriousness of Marinette's tone.

"Is... everything alright?" Allegra asked.

"I know this might be hard to hear," Marinette began, her voice trembling slightly, "but I need to tell you about what happened at Dupont. I just don't want to keep it from you guys any longer. You all deserve to know."

She went on to describe the relentless bullying she had endured—how Lila had spread rumours about her, slowly causing her friends to turn away from her, hate her, make fun of her, and even physically harass her. She recounted the sleepless nights spent crying herself to sleep, the fear and anxiety that had consumed her every day.

"It was a living nightmare," Marinette admitted, her voice filled with emotion. "I felt like I was drowning. If it wasn't for Chloe and Kagami still being on my side... I'm not sure what else could have happened. I highly doubt I would be here, sitting in front of you guys as it was Chloe who sent in the application in the first place,"

As Marinette spoke, her friends listened in stunned silence, their expressions a mix of concern, anger, and shock. Allan's jaw clenched with fury, his fists tightening at his sides. Claude's brow furrowed in disbelief, his eyes filled with sorrow. Allegra's hand flew to her mouth in horror, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I had no idea," Allan said, his voice tight with emotion. "I'm so sorry, Marinette."

Marinette shook her head, a tear streaming down her cheek. "It's not your fault, Allan. I just didn't want to burden anyone with my problems."

Felix squeezed Marinette's hand, offering her silent support. She took a deep breath, grateful for his presence by her side.

Claude's usually cheery face twisted into a heavy frown. "I swear, if I ever come across Adrien, it won't be pretty. No offence, Felix."

Felix simply shrugged.

"Is there anything that we can do Mari?" Allegra asked.

Marinette smiled and shook her head, "Nothing. Everyone but a select few still believe her without a second thought and I've now moved from that place."

"So she's just... getting away with everything? For real?" Allan asked.

Marinette shrugged and dried her face from the tears that had escaped, "yeah. She's smarter than you think,"

Allan rolled his eyes, "Orrrr your old classmates are a bunch of airheads,"

"That's true. But I just want you all to know that I'm better now," Marinette said, her voice steadier now. "Thanks to Felix and your unwavering support, I'm moving forward. And you guys have been a great help in that."

Her friends gathered around her, offering words of comfort and support. They enveloped her in a group hug, their solidarity a powerful reminder of the strength of their friendship.

"We're here for you, Marinette," Allegra said softly. "Whatever you need, we'll be there for you."

Marinette felt a wave of gratitude wash over her as she leaned into the embrace of her friends. In that moment, surrounded by their love and support, she knew that she had made the right decision in opening up about her past.


Late at night, when the rest of the dormitory was shrouded in silence, Allan, Claude, Allegra, and Felix gathered in the communal area. It was a meeting arranged by Claude, who had urged Felix to ensure that Marinette was sound asleep before joining them. The weight of Marinette's revelation about her torment at Dupont still hung heavy in the air, leaving each of them grappling with a mix of shock, anger, and determination.

Allan paced back and forth, his fists clenched in barely contained rage. "I can't believe Lila got away with all of that," he muttered through gritted teeth. "She's a monster, and she needs to be stopped."

Claude nodded in agreement, his expression grim. "It's wild to me that she was able to manipulate everyone and escape without facing any consequences. But we can't let her get away with it."

Allegra's eyes flashed with determination as she spoke up. "Something has got to be done. Who knows who that Rossi girl will go after next,"

Felix listened to his friends' words, his own emotions torn between loyalty to Marinette's wishes and a burning desire to see Lila held accountable. He knew that Marinette had expressed a reluctance to seek revenge, preferring to focus on moving forward with her life. But at the same time, he wanted nothing more than to see Lila crumble and get what she truly deserved.

"Oh, something will be done alright. Allan said, his voice firm. We need to find a way to take Lila down. We can't let her continue to manipulate and hurt others."

Felix hesitated for a moment, but ultimately, he knew where his allegiance lay. "I'm in," he said finally, his voice determined. "Whatever it takes to make sure Rossi faces the consequences of her actions."

Allan nodded in agreement, a steely resolve in his eyes. "Good."

With their decision made, the group settled in to brainstorm ideas on how to take down Lila. They discussed everything from gathering evidence of her lies and manipulation to exposing her true nature to everyone who's willing to hear.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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